throwing power


  • It has been found by examinations of cathode current efficiency throwing power covering power of the bath and adhesion of the silver films that this process is the same as and even better in some aspects than cyanide process and worth popularization in industrial applications .

    阴极电流效率、 分散 能力、覆盖能力、结合强度等性能的测试表明,5二甲基乙内酰脲无氰镀银工艺在某些方面达到甚至优于氰化物镀银工艺,具有推广应用价值。

  • The influence of pH value current density temperature and agita - tion is studied . Its covering power throwing power deposition rate corrosion resistance solderability ther - mal stability adhesion and hardness are all determined .

    研究了pH值,电流密度,温度和搅拌的影响,测定了分散能力、深 能力,沉积速度,抗蚀性能、焊接性能,耐温性能,结合力和硬度。

  • A series of tests indicated that the improved additives have a little side effect on the bright current density region and throwing power whereas they enhance the efficiency and other process properties .

    试验表明,改性后的添加剂光亮电流密度范围和 分散 能力略有下降,但阴极电流效率得到改善,综合性能提高。

  • The deposit appearance deposition rate throwing power and covering power of the process were tested and compared with those of one overseas known kindred process .

    对镀层外观、沉积速度及 分散 能力与覆盖能力进行了测试,并与国外某知名品牌的工艺进行了比较。

  • The result indicated that the properties of the product were very well . Such as curable at low temperature electrophoresis throwing power good water resistance high softness and high Corrosion resistance .

    研究了低温固化阴极电泳涂料的性能,结果表明,该产品的各项性能很好,如固化温度较低、 高、有很好的耐水性、较高的柔性和耐蚀性。

  • After investigations of new type low temperature solidified low density cathode electrophoresis paint ( KNT831 ) the results show that this product has an improved performance such as solidification at low temperature dried paint film with decreased-density minus vector reduction and electrophoresis throwing power .

    研究了新型低温固化低密度阴极电泳漆(KNT831)的性能。研究结果表明,该产品的性能有较大的提升,即固化温度降低、干膜密度降低、减失量降低、 提高。

  • The throwing power covering ability and stability of the bath were good .

    镀液的覆盖能力和 分散 能力良好,镀液稳定性也得到较大提高。

  • Antioxidants stabilize the colouring solution by preventing Sn ~ ( 2 + ) from oxidation and increase the colouring reproducibility by promoting cathodic reduction processes . Their effect on throwing power is not notable .

    抗氧化剂遏制Sn~(2+)氧化而稳定槽液,促进阴极还原过程而提高着色重现性,但对 分散 能力影响不明显。

  • And the throwing power decreases deposit 's brightness and water washability of workpiece is bad after plating when its content is on the low side .

    含量偏低, 分散 能力降低,镀层光泽性不好,镀后工件水洗性不好。

  • Wagner number & the criterion of throwing power

    瓦格纳准数& 能力的判据

  • The results show that the cooperative effects of DEP and saccharin can greatly improve the brightness and leveling of the deposits but have a complicated effect on the throwing power of the Ni electroplating bath .

    结果表明,DEP与糖精的协同作用会使镀镍层的光泽度与整平性能得到大幅提高,但对镀液 分散 能力影响较复杂。

  • The bath has a throwing power ( determined by far and near cathode method ) of 61 % and a covering power of near to 100 % and the deposit has a micro-hardness of 246.5 HV and good solderability .

    该镀液 分散 能力(采用远近阴极法测定)为61%,覆盖能力近似为100%,镀层硬度为246.5HV,钎焊性较好。

  • A Study of Throwing Power Affecting Factors in High Aspect Ratio PCB Plating

    高厚径比PCB 能力影响因素的研究

  • A discussion about primary distribution of current on the electrode and throwing power formula

    关于电极上电流的初次分布和 分散 能力公式的讨论

  • Throwing power experiments show that its throwing power is up to 84.2 % and its covering power is up to 50 % .


  • The Effect of Forward Current Density of PPR on Throwing Power

    脉冲电镀的正向电流密度对深 能力的影响

  • The results show that the electrolyte has advantages of high stability excellent throwing power and covering capacity ;

    结果表明,该镀液性能稳定, 分散 能力、覆盖能力较好;

  • Currently the most used additives are the cheap DE or DPE-III products produced in the 1970 's which has the following shortcomings such as low throwing power ability and strait range of bright electroplating current density .

    现今使用的添加剂大部分还是70年代开发的价格低廉的DE或 DPE&Ⅲ,它存在 分散能力差、低电流光亮区狭窄等缺点。

  • A Study on Adaptability of Test Methods for ED 's Throwing Power

    电泳漆 检测方法适用范围的研究

  • The traditional cyanide-type gold plating bath has good stability high current efficiency and good throwing power .

    传统的氰化物电镀金溶液电流效率高、 分散 能力和覆盖能力良好、镀层结晶细致。

  • Cyanide-free pre-immersion can improve covering power and throwing power as well as the adhesion strength of coating .

    无氰预浸可提高镀液深镀能力与 分散 能力,及镀层结合力。

  • The experimental results suggest that complexing agents influence the stability of colouring solution through affecting the complexing equilibrium between Sn ~ ( 2 + ) and Sn ~ ( 4 + ) and influence the throwing power and colouring reproducibility by affecting cathode surface reactions .

    认为:络合剂影响稳定性的本质是对Sn~(2+)、Sn~(4+)络合平衡的影响,同时通过影响阴极界面反应来实现对 分散 能力及着色重现性的影响;

  • Experimental results showed that the solution of Ni-Fe alloy foil electrolyte had good stability covering power and throwing power .

    经实验表明,Ni-Fe合金箔电解液的稳定性较好,电解液的均镀能力、 深度 能力均较高。

  • B 11-2 black acrylic electrophoretic coatings is featured by its excellent antirusting property higher throwing power and wide application range which overcame the poor film quality of conventional pure phenolic resin and epoxy ester coatings .

    B11-2黑色丙烯酸电泳涂料具有抗锈蚀性强、 高、施工范围宽等诸多优点,可克服传统的纯酚醛、环氧酯电泳涂料涂膜质量差的缺陷。

  • Results show that the chrome plating bath using this additive has a higher current efficiency at lower temperature compared with that of standard chrome plating bath and the throwing power covering power and corrosion resistance are improved apparently .

    结果表明,与标准镀液相比,使用该添加剂后,可以在较低温度下得到更高的电流效率,而且镀铬液的 分散 能力、覆盖能力以及耐腐蚀性能都得到明显提高。

  • Effects of Stabilizing Agents on Colouring Rate and Throwing Power During Electrolytic Colouring of Aluminum

    稳定剂对铝合金电解着色速度和 分散 能力的影响

  • High Throwing Power Bright Acidic Tin Plating

    分散 光亮酸性镀锡添加剂的研究

  • The throwing power and current efficiency decrease and content of Cr ~ 3 + in the bath increase when the content of sulphate is too high .

    硫酸根的含量过高,镀液的 分散 能力和电流效率降低,并且镀液中Cr3+的含量上升;