Thunderous sounds echoed inside the convention center and all the glitz of the gaming industry 's biggest convention .
雷鸣 般的声音回响内的会议中心,和所有的游戏行业最大的公约浮华。
Our new goal is to become a leading global insurer he says to more thunderous applause .
他说道:我们的新目标,是成为全球领先的保险公司。 人群 中 随即 爆发 出 雷鸣 般的掌声。
When my father burst in his mood seemed even more thunderous than usual .
我父亲冲 进门时,似乎比往常更 怒气冲冲。
The audience broke out into thunderous cheers .
全场 欢声雷动。
The unique spaceship climbed straight into the blue sky after a thunderous lift-off from Cape Canaveral .
这艘独特的宇宙飞船在 轰鸣 声中从卡纳维拉尔角起飞了,直冲蓝天。
At the sight of her appearance on the stage the hall rang with thunderous applause .
一看见她出现在舞台上,大厅里就掌声 雷动。
Finally accompanied by the thunderous applause from fellow initiates and guests master stood on the stage !
终于,在同修和来宾的 如 雷 掌声下,师父上台了!
The stillness was rent by thunderous applause .
雷鸣 般 的 掌声打破了寂静。
When he took the floor the gathering burst into thunderous applause .
他发言时,群众 发出 雷鸣的掌声。
There are thunderous explosions fierce solar winds and forces so strong that they imprison even light .
有 雷鸣 般的爆炸和猛烈的太阳风,威力之大,甚至能阻碍光的传播。
She heard a boom of thunder . It spilled to the floor with a thunderous sound .
她听到轰隆一声雷响。它轰隆一 声落在地上。
Memorably he clinched the Double in1971 with a thunderous winner in the FA Cup final against Liverpool .
值得怀念的是,1971年阿森纳获得双 冠王,乔治在对利物浦的足总杯决赛上 攻入 雷 轰 电 掣 般 的 进球, 取得胜利。
Their academic and adventure reports aroused thunderous applauses .
他们的学术报告和探险报告,时时激起 如 雷的掌声。
The crowd broke into a long thunderous ovation .
人群中突然爆发 出一阵长时间的 雷鸣 般的掌声。
When the name of Paavo Nurmi flashed on the electric scoreboard the Stadium was filled with thunderous applause .
当电子记分牌上打出帕沃·努尔米的名字时,全场发出 雷鸣 般的掌声。
A four-storey building on the east side of Manhattan collapsed after a thunderous explosion this morning .
曼哈顿东区的一栋四层楼房 今晨因发生爆炸而倒塌。
The brilliant performances from the children win thunderous applause .
小朋友演出精彩,博得 全场掌声。
Dr. Meade 's brows were thunderous .
米德大夫的眉头皱 得 要 发火了。
As soon as he finished his speech thunderous applause broke out .
他刚讲完话,便响起了 雷鸣 般的掌声。
Listen to their voices some delicate movements ; If the bass part of a thunderous power strong .
聆听其声音,高、中部分细腻圆润;低音部分有若 雷鸣, 爆发力很强。
When he heard the thunderous applause his heart swelled with pride .
他听到 雷鸣 般的掌声时,心里充满豪情。
It wasn 't exactly a thunderous ovation but the reaction appeared predominantly to be of applause .
这不完全是 雷鸣 般的欢呼,但反应似乎主要是为是的掌声。
The audience responded with thunderous applause .
观众报以 雷鸣 般的掌声。
To which the audience once again roared with thunderous standing applause .
听众再度起立, 掌声 如 雷。
The explosion combined with escaping steam produced an overwhelming noise deep and thunderous .
爆炸加上漏出的蒸汽产生了压倒一切的噪音, 如 雷鸣 般 的 深沉。
They greeted him with thunderous applause .
他们以 雷鸣 般的掌声欢迎他。
The glad tidings gave rise to thunderous cheers .
喜讯传来, 欢声雷动。
Ma Yoyo 's gorgeous techniques in playing the cello have earned him admiration and thunderous applauses .
马友友拉大提琴的精湛技艺赢得了人们的钦佩,还有阵阵 雷鸣 般的掌声。
Thunderous rumbling shakes the hull .
雷鸣 般的隆隆声冲击着潜艇的外壳。
The first leg The Polar Express : A young boy is started by a thunderous roar .
第一腿《极地特快》:一个小男孩被 轰 隆隆的吼叫声吓了一跳。