tinting strength


  • Paprika red is a kind of natural red pigment which is bright in color high color value better tinting strength non-toxic healthy and therefore has broad application prospects .

    辣椒红色素是一种天然色素,色泽鲜艳、 着色 、安全无毒,而且具有 营养、保健的 功效,因此有着广泛的应用前景。

  • Preparation of High Tinting Strength Black Iron Oxide Pigment

    高着 氧化铁黑颜料的制备

  • The system 's capability of treating wastewater with high concentration and tinting strength treatment efficiency change in microorganism species and treatment characteristics have been studied hi addition this technique is tentatively used in a pilot scale test with a treatment capability of 150m3 / d.

    在实验室条件下研究了该系统在处理高浓度、 色度中药生产有机废水时的处理能力、去除效率、分相微生物变化、处理过程特性,并将该技术应用于 150m~3/d的中试工程。

  • The typical character of the above carbon black is excellent dispersion stable color tone high purity and good fluidity high tinting strength .

    上述碳黑的典型 徵具有良好的分散性, 色相稳定,高纯度,良好的流动性和高

  • Determination of relative tinting strength and colour on reduction of coloured pigments & Visual comparison method

    GB/T5211.19-1988 着色颜料的相对 着色 淡色的测定目视比较法

  • Characteristics : R9304 combines excellent properties such as good whiteness high gloss and tinting strength high durability and ease of dispersion .

    产品特性:R9304具有白度高,高消色 ,高耐候性,易分散等特性。

  • The New Synthesis Method for Increasing the Tinting Strength of Monoazo Pigment

    提高偶氮颜料 着色 的新方法

  • Discussion on a New Method for the Determination of the Tinting Strength of Organic Pigment for Colouration of Plastics

    塑料用有机颜料 着色 测定方法探讨

  • Carbon black used in rubber products & Tinting strength test method

    GB/T3780.6-1998橡胶用炭黑 着色 强度试验方法

  • The faith of traditional virtue and socialism moral in the present age of china is hitting point and tinting strength point the moral practice is an important pathway of cultivating national spirit .

    中华传统美德和当代中国社会主义道德的信仰化是弘扬和培育民族精神的切入点和 着力点,加强道德践行是培育民族精神的重要途径。

  • There are lots of advantages of organic pigments such as bright color high tinting strength broad chromatogram low toxicity . Nowadays they are widely used in paints inks plastics rubbers and so on .

    有机颜料具有色光鲜艳、 着色 强度高、色谱品种繁多、毒性低等优点,目前已广泛应用于涂料、印墨、塑料、橡胶中。

  • Determination of relative tinting strength of colored pigments and relative scattering power of white pigments-Photometric methods

    GB/T13451.2-1992着色颜料相对 着色 和白色颜料相对散射力的测定光度计法