


  • Check power tongs and spinning rope are on drill floor .

    检查动力 和尾绳是否在钻台上。

  • I was so ragged and dirty that you wouldn 't have touched me with a pair of tongs .

    我的衣裳是那样的破烂龌龊,就是叫你用 火钳 我碰一下,你都不会 乐意

  • It adjusts the distance and height of V tongs .

    不同皮辊的 ,可调整“V” 钳口距离及高度。

  • When I was your age my father died and I was sold to Tongs as maid . There I ate the cold leftovers every day and I was often scolded and beaten .

    像你这么大的年纪,我的爸爸死了,卖给 童家 ,吃残茶剩饭,还经常受骂挨打。

  • This quirky bot is made of a vintage carburetor old toy bulldozer parts mini binoculars salad tongs a small copper tea pot and candlestick parts .

    这古怪的机器人是一个老式化油器提出,旧玩具推土机零件,小型望远镜,沙拉 ,一个小铜茶壶和烛台部分。

  • Power Tongs and Torque Turns Load Cells : Designed for use in power tongs or drill pipe make-up and break-out applications .

    动力 和自动旋紧管箍机的载荷压力传感器:设计用在动力钳或钻杆的组装和拆卸应用中。

  • A compression spring is arranged between the two tongs of the clamping part .

    在所述夹持部两 间设有一压缩弹簧。

  • Cook until golden gently turning with tongs 2 to3 minutes .

    炸至金黄,用 夹子轻轻翻滚,炸2到3分钟。

  • Rig tongs must be kept clean to ensure proper operation .


  • In a newspaper article he came down on me hammer and tongs .

    他在报纸上的一篇文章里, 猛烈 攻击了我。

  • Do not hang the tongs on the edge of the boiler while sterilizing to avoid deformation .

    消毒的一起,请不要将本 间接挂置于锅缘边。

  • He loved gardening . He went at it hammer and tongs as soon as he got back from work

    他酷爱 侍弄花草。只要下班一回到 ,他就 兴冲冲 忙活起来。

  • They yell shout and argue . For six hours a night they go at it hammer and tongs .

    他们又叫又喊又吵,每晚都要 乐此不疲 闹腾6个小时。

  • We can hear the neighbour going at each other hammer and tongs .

    我们可以听见邻居 大吵大闹的声音。

  • He picked up the hot metal with a pair of tongs .

    他用一把 钳子 这块热金属。

  • Do not let tongs ride the drill pipe .

    不许 钳子 在钻杆上转。

  • She used a pair of tongs to put some more coal on the fire .

    她用一把 火钳 炉火上再加了一些煤。

  • The waiter lifted rolls from a basket with a pair of silver tongs .

    侍者用一把银 从篮子里 起面包卷。

  • Realizing the importance of the task he went at it hammer and tongs .

    认识到任务的重要性,他就 全力以赴的做了这项任务。

  • For use with curling tongs and hair dryers .

    适合于使用卷发 和吹风机。

  • No. There are huge grills at the picnic area in the park . Just don 't forget the tongs and disposable chopsticks .

    不用,公园的野餐区有大型烤炉。只要别忘了带 夹子和免洗筷就行。

  • Connect the makeup line ( s ) and snub line to the rig tongs .

    连接猫头绳和钳 上。

  • Instead of knives and forks they were given large scissors chopsticks and metal tongs .

    服务员给她们 上来的餐具也不是刀和叉,而是剪子、筷子和 钳子

  • Use tongs to immerse and remove objects from cryogenic liquids .


  • But it 's been scientifically proven that cars and aeroplanes contribute more to global warming than hairdryers and curling tongs .

    但科学已经证实了,汽车和飞机所带来的全球温室效应恶果,一定比风筒和鬈发 带来的多得多。

  • The rig tongs must be kept clean at all times and kept well lubricated .

    任何时候 钻具 都应该保持干净和良好的保养。

  • The machine and tongs adopt the foreign technique standard production and CNC to process .

    机架及 夹具采用国外技术标准生产及CNC加工。

  • To seize hold or manipulate with tongs .


  • She used the tongs to add coal to the fire .

    她用 火钳 炉火添煤。

  • Please load the truck with bad tongs slips and elevators !

    请把这些个坏 、卡瓦以及吊卡装 车上!