


  • The author reported their experience in rescue treatment and care of 6 Type A kreotoxin toxication patients .

    总结6例肉毒毒素 中毒患者的抢救治疗和护理方法。

  • Results The exposure time of toxication case was breakfast the average incubation period poisoning was 47.84 Minutes .

    结果 中毒案例的暴露时间为早餐时,平均潜伏期为47.84分。

  • Objective : To search the way of diagnosing and saving acute tetramine toxication .

    目的探索毒鼠强 中毒的诊断及解救方法。

  • Changes of some elements in rat 's tissues except nerve centre with both ovariectomy and chronic aluminum toxication and the effects of estrogen supplement

    卵巢切除术对一个或两个卵巢的外科切除手术卵巢切除合并慢性铝 染毒大鼠中枢外某些元素含量的变化及雌激素的干预效应

  • Methods : EEC of 52 cases with chronic alcohol toxication was analysed .

    方法:对52例慢性酒精 中毒 病人 EEG 检查结果进行分析。

  • Function of metallothionein protect antioxidases against cadmium toxication

    金属硫蛋白对 急性中毒后抗氧化酶的保护作用

  • Toxication of Hg ~ ( 2 + ) Pollution on Garlic

    Hg~(2+)对蒜 鳞茎 生长的毒害 效应

  • Study on the toxication of cadmium-zinc compound pollution to Zea mays and their detoxification


  • Study of toxication of TOXOFLAVIN to the respiratory system and the circulatory system


  • Conclusion Blood purification technique was the most effective and fastest treatment in children with ARF CRF and acute drug and toxicant toxication .

    结论血液净化技术对小儿 ARFCRF和急性药物毒物 中毒是最快速、有效的治疗方法。

  • Study on liver cell apoptosis caused by subchronic cadmium toxication and selenium antagonism in chickens

    亚慢性镉 中毒致鸡肝细胞凋亡及硒拮抗 效果的研究

  • Objective : To evaluate the effectiveness of blood purification treatment on acute toxication of hypnotics and alcohol .

    目的:评价血液净化治疗安眠药及酒精急性 中毒的疗效。

  • No toxication and no death were found in mice acute general toxicity and the results showed negative . 4 .

    小鼠急性全身毒性实验无动物死亡和 中毒表现,结果阴性。

  • The Effect of Decreased Lung Blood Flow on Toxic Pulmonary Edema at the Early Stage after Diphosgene Toxication

    减少肺血流量对双 光气肺水肿早期发展的影响

  • Electrocardiographic Analysis of Digitalis Toxication in 23 Infants Underwent Cardiac Surgery

    婴幼儿心脏直视术后洋地黄 中毒23例心电图分析

  • Rescue care of 6 Type A kreotoxin toxication patients

    型肉毒毒素 中毒患者的抢救护理

  • Mechanism of liver injury in cadmium toxication and protection of metallothionein

    急性镉 中毒的肝脏损伤机制及金属硫蛋白的保护 作用

  • Effect of Nitrobenzene Toxication on Immune Organs and Function in Avian Influenza Immune Response in Duck


  • The ultrastructural observations in the kidneys of chronic cadmium toxication

    慢性镉 中毒 小鼠肾脏的超微结构观察

  • Conclusion : EEG is important valuable in diagnosis and evaluation of curative effect on chronic alcohol toxication .

    结论:EEG检查对慢性酒精 中毒 病人的诊断和评估疗效有一定的价值。

  • Effect of toxication of benzene xylene and phenol on low-level chemiluminescence from zebra fish

    苯、二甲苯和苯酚 中毒对Zebra鱼低水平化学发光的影响

  • Objective w_826 To provide scientific basis for the prevention of DMF toxication caused by artificial leather .

    目的为预防 制衣 行业中使用人造革 面料造成二甲基甲酰胺(DMF) 中毒提供科学依据。

  • Preliminary hazardous analysis and fault tree analysis were applied to assay the hazard of toxication accidents caused by toxic materials in the course of dexamethasone production it pointed out that bromomethane and HF were typical toxic materials .

    采用预先危险性分析和事故树分析剖析地塞米松生产过程 中毒性物质产生 中毒事故的危险性,指出溴甲烷和氟化氢是典型毒物。

  • Combined toxication of benzene with toluene or ethanol on liver and kidney

    乙醇、甲苯与苯对 肝肾器官的联合 作用

  • Pathological Changes in Nervous System and the Correlation with Activation of Rho / ROCK Pathway in Rats with Methylmercury Induced Toxication

    甲基汞 中毒神经系统损伤的病理演变及与Rho/Rock信号通路的关系

  • The difference between selenium antagonism group and the cadmium toxication has provided evaluation for histology .

    硒拮抗组与镉 中毒组在 病理组织学上改变的差异为 判断 分析中毒以及评价硒拮抗 效果提供了 充分的病理组织学 依据

  • Results The major diseases for in-patients were as follows : fetation partus and puerperium complication damage and toxication tumor respiratory and digestive system etc.

    结果妊娠分娩及产褥期并发症、损伤和 中毒、肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病和消化系统疾病等为本院住院患者的主要病种。

  • Chronic Cadmium Toxication Induced Injury on the Liver of the Mice

    慢性镉 中毒对小白鼠肝脏损害的观察

  • No data of the other possible mechanisms of deferoxamine except its iron chelation to inhibit iron direct toxication .

    尽管可见铁螯合剂一去铁胺治疗脑出血的 许多资料 报道,但除螯合铁直接抑制铁的 毒性 作用之外,是否 尚有其他可能机制目前未见 报道

  • Serum concentrations of digitalis toxication and clinical analysis

    洋地黄 中毒的血药浓度与临床分析