toxin immunity

[ˈtɑksɪn ɪˈmjunɪti][ˈtɔksɪn ɪˈmju:nɪti:]


  • Current status of the study of plant toxin immunity

    植物 毒素 免疫研究现状

  • Antitoxic immunity can protect animals from infection of toxigenic E. coli and it already became one of the focal point of ED study . The extraction of toxin or toxoid is the key of the mechanism and effect of antitoxic immunity study .

    抗毒素免疫可以保护动物免受产毒素大肠杆菌的侵袭,并已经成为水肿病研究的重点之一, 毒素或类毒素的获取是研究抗毒素 免疫机制及效果的关键。

  • The M1 dsRNA genome encodes a secreted K1 toxin which kills sensitive yeast cells lacking M1 virus whereas M1 virus - containing cells are immunity to K1 toxin .

    M1病毒编码一种分泌型 毒素K1,能杀死不含病毒的酵母细胞,但有 自身 免疫 功能

  • Polyclonal antibody against T-2 toxin was produced using T-2 toxin immunity rabbits . It could be used to determine T-2 toxin in corn .

    用T-2 毒素 免疫家兔,获得了抗T-2毒素的多克隆抗体,运用该抗体建立了检测玉米中T-2毒素的间接竞争性酶联免疫吸附测定法。

  • Diphtheria is treated with an antitoxin that neutralizes the toxin and produces long-term immunity .

    治疗方式为及时注射白喉抗 毒素,产生长期的 免疫力

  • Investigation of cholera toxin subunit B and Trichinella spiralis laval antigen induced mucosal immunity

    霍乱 毒素B亚单位和旋毛虫幼虫抗原诱导黏膜 免疫结果分析

  • In the following essay the immune basis of the immunity of plant toxin artificial antigens of plant toxin clinical research and application of the immunity of plant toxin were summarized .

    就植物毒素免疫的免疫学基础、植物毒素人工抗原的研究和植物 毒素 免疫的临床研究及应用进行了综述。

  • Enhancing Effect of Heat-labile Toxin on Mucosal Immunity of Attenuated Rabies Vaccine

    大肠杆菌不耐热肠 毒素对狂犬病病毒减毒疫苗株粘膜 免疫 效应的增强作用

  • Conclusion : In the essence deficiency and toxin accumulating syndrome the immunological change is mainly abnormity of cell mediated immunity which is increasing of CD8 + with an inversed CD4 + / CD8 + .

    结论:精亏 型以细胞 免疫异常为主,表现为CD8+升高和CD4+/CD8+比值降低。