

  • Great attention should be paid to the pub-lic health significance of Toxocara canis .


  • Immune protection of larvae es antigens and ultraviolet irradiated embryonated eggs of Toxocara canis on mice

    线虫卵及幼虫排泄 分泌抗原对小鼠的免疫保护作用

  • QUANTITATIVE COMPARISON OF AMINO ACIDS IN ADULT PROTEINS OF ASCARIS LUMBRICOIDES ASCARIS SUUM AND TOXOCARA CANIS These worms are difficult to control once the bowel is opened and considerable peritoneal soiling may result .

    人蛔虫、猪蛔虫及 蛔虫成虫氨基酸含量的比较研究一旦肠子切开,大量蛔虫较难控制,可导致腹膜严重污染。

  • Detection of antibodies and circulating antigens in mice infected with Toxocara canis

    感染 线虫鼠血清抗 线虫 幼虫抗体和循环抗原检测

  • Objective To observe the migratory route of Toxocara canis larvae in mice .

    目的观察 线虫幼虫在小鼠体内的 情况

  • Objective : To explore the possibility of immune prevention of larva migrans of Toxocara canis .

    目的:探索犬 线虫幼虫移行症免疫预防的可能性。

  • It indicated that milbemycin oxime could make infectious Toxocara eggs lose its infection .

    结论米尔贝肟可使感染性 蛔虫卵失去感染性。

  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of milbemycin oxime on infectious Toxocara eggs in vivo in different concentrations at different time .

    目的研究不同浓度的米尔贝肟在不同作用时间对感染性 蛔虫卵的影响,并通过体内试验进行评估。

  • Cultivation of Larvae of Toxocara Canis in Vitro and Preparation and Analysis of Its TES-antigens


  • The human infections of Diphyllobothrium latum Toxocara canis and Triodontophorus minor discovered by Lin ( 1924 ) from Beijing were the first records in the country .

    林几(1924)在北京发现阔节裂头绦虫, 蛔虫,微小三齿线虫等肠道寄生虫的人体感染者,均为我国首次报道。

  • Distribution of Toxocara canis Larva in Mice

    幼虫 线虫幼虫在小鼠体内分布和 组织 反应

  • Detection of Toxocara vitulorum IgG antibody by using ABC-ELISA

    ABC-ELISA法检测犊 蛔虫IgG抗体实验研究

  • The Contamination Situation of Toxocara Canis Egg on the Body Surface of the Dog

    犬体表犬 蛔虫虫卵的污染调查

  • Larva Migrans : Distribution of Toxocara canis larva in Brain and Alteration of Behavior in Experimental Mice

    幼虫移行症:感染犬 线虫鼠的行为改变与脑内幼虫分布研究

  • The immunological cross-reaction among Ascaris lumbricoides Ascaris suum hookworm Trichuris trichiura and Toxocara canis was studied with SDS-PAGE immunoblotting technique .

    以SDS-PAGE酶联免疫印渍技术对蛔虫、钩虫、鞭虫及 弓蛔虫的免疫交叉反应进行了研究。

  • The identification results of PCR-RFLP were the same with morphological identification results and successfully identified the Toxascaris leonina and Toxocara canis .

    PCR-RFLP的鉴别结果与形态学鉴定结果一致,成功的鉴别了犬 蛔虫和狮弓蛔虫。

  • The effect of Toxocara ( T ) canis antigen ( TcAg ) on lymphocytes was studied in vitro using normal murine spleen cells and human peripheral blood lymphocytes .

    在体内用正常小鼠脾及人体外周血淋巴细胞就犬 蛔虫抗原(TcAg)对淋巴细胞的作用进行了研究。

  • Preliminary Observation on Meiosis of Chromosomes in Toxocara Canis
