Plants release water through their leaves by transpiration .
植物通过 蒸腾 作用从叶片中释放水分。
They might also reduce plant transpiration by using varieties tolerant to water stress and by weeding .
他们还可以通过除草或者选择抗干旱的品种来减少植物的 蒸腾 量。而当过多的肥料和杀虫剂因流失对水资源造成污染时,农民们会 想方设法来减少这方面的污染。
In this paper a soil infiltration and recovery simulation model of bioretention trough was constructed by using evaporation transpiration and gravity flow as the soil recovery mechanisms .
以蒸发 蒸腾和重力流作为土壤渗透恢复机制,建立了生物滞留槽土壤渗透与恢复过程模拟模型。
Responses of Photosynthesis Characteristics and Transpiration Characteristics of Ulmus pumila Species to the Light under the Water Stress Conditions
水分胁迫条件下白榆光合与 蒸腾特性对光的响应
Experimental Study on Variation of Canopy-air Temperature Difference and Transpiration Rate of Alfalfa
紫花苜蓿冠气温差与 蒸腾速率变化规律的试验研究
Effects of Water and Zinc on Leaf Potential Photosynthetic Characteristics and Transpiration Efficiency of Tomato
水分和锌对番茄叶水势、光合特性及 蒸腾效率的影响
In this paper a self tuning control problem of transpiration ablation system with moving boundary is discussed .
对 发汗烧蚀问题的自校正控制进行了讨论;给出了一个基于实际观测的自校正控制算法。
This is because the higher temperatures will increase water consumption evaporation and plant transpiration rates .
这是因为温度升高会增加水的消耗和蒸发,植物的 蒸腾也会加快。新增加的 降水量不 足以 填补因温度升高而造成的 额外 消耗。
In addition it can reduce the transpiration rate of soybean increase water content of plant and promote water metabolism .
此外,“贺氏 399”降低了大豆 叶片 的 蒸腾速率,增加植株的含水量,促进水分代谢。
Study on Photosynthetic Rate Stomatal Conductance and Transpiration Rate of Different Periods and Sections in Soybean
大豆不同时期不同节位叶片光合速率、气孔导度、 蒸腾速率的研究
Effect of Trunk Spiral Girdling on Young ' Guiwei'Litchi 's Photosynthesis and Transpiration during Fruit Development Period
螺旋环剥对荔枝果期光合和 蒸腾 作用的影响
Cushion plants usually have small thick leaves to minimize water loss or hairy leaves to reduce transpiration .
垫状植物通常都具有小而厚的叶片,目的是减少水分的流失,叶片卷曲以便减少 蒸腾 作用。
Seasonal dynamics of leaf transpiration rate of Abies fabri also belongs to uni-peak-type .
该暗针叶林系统主要树种峨眉冷杉叶片 蒸腾速率的季节变化亦呈单峰型。
Presl leaves estimated their water using efficiency and set up some response models for the transpiration rate water using efficiency and physio-ecological factors .
研究了樟树叶片 蒸腾 速率的日变化和季节变化特征,估算了其水分利用效率,并建立了 蒸腾速率、水分利用效率与生理生态因子的响应模型。
During the day water loss by transpiration exceeds water absorption by the roots and leaf water potential decline .
白天 蒸腾 作用 散失的水分超过根系吸收的水分,因而叶子的水势就下降。
The response characteristic of the net photosynthesis and transpiration of cotton to mulched drip irrigation were studied by the photosynthetic and Transpiration Monitor ( PTM-48 system ) in Xinjiang .
利用PTM-48光合作用测定仪研究了新疆棉花不同生长期叶片光合、 蒸腾特性及其对膜下滴灌的响应机理。
The changes of transpiration rate net photosynthesis in a day and their relationship with various environmental factors were studied in this paper .
对 开花期 香 紫苏功能 叶片 的 蒸腾 作用、光合作用日变化规律以及二者与环境因子之间的相互 作用进行了研究。
Loss of water also includes the transpiration of water to the atmosphere from plants .
水的散失也包括从植物体中 蒸腾到大气层中的水。
Between subtle glance only the pores in the transpiration Piedao people out of selfishness .
隐约间的一瞥,只瞥到了人们毛孔中 蒸腾出的自私。
Relationship between transpiration rate and leaf position plant age and accumulation of dry matter in summer soybean
夏大豆 蒸腾速率与叶位、株龄及干物质积累的关系
Effects of Mixed Trees of Farmland Shelterbelts on Transpiration Rate
农田防护林混交对林木 蒸腾速率的影响
The transpiration characteristics of wetland plants like Alisma orientale in artificial wetland garden were studied .
试验研究了人工湿地园中泽泻沼泽植物 蒸腾特性的 日 变化。
Experimental Research on the Ratio between Evaporation and Transpiration of Maize
夏玉米生育期 叶面 蒸腾与棵间蒸发比例试验研究
Different water managements had an important effect on above ground dry weight leaf area index leaf photosynthetic rate leaf transpiration rate and water use efficiency .
结果表明:不同水分管理方式影响水稻地上部干物重、叶面积指数、光合速率、 蒸腾速率和水分利用效率。
France holly cuttings scaffolding shade requirements to reduce transpiration and direct sunlight seedbed .
法国冬青扦插后,要求搭棚遮荫,以减少 蒸腾 量和阳光直射苗床。
Leaves with low severity ( 5 % ) were similar to healthy leaves in diurnal changes of transpiration .
结果表明,不同严重度小麦病叶 蒸腾 作用的日变化明显不同。
Pot experiments were carried out to study the photosynthetic rate transpiration rate and water use efficiency of the seedlings of four winter wheat varieties under different soil drought .
摘要采用盆栽试验对土壤干旱下不同品种冬小麦幼苗光合、 蒸腾速率和水分利用效率进行了研究。
A preliminary study on the photosynthetic rate and transpiration efficiency of two Acacia species introduced from Australia
从澳大利亚引进的两种相思植物光合速率和 蒸腾效率的初步研究
The air temperature affected the transpiration rates of the two plant species .
随着温度的增加,两种植物的 蒸腾 速率都有 增加 的 趋势。