X-ray shield

[ˈɛksˌre ʃild][ˈeksrei ʃi:ld]

[化] X射线防护屏

  • All of X-ray machines and articles for personal protection are not ageing ; There are lack of shield materials for doors and windows of buildings to put X-ray machines .

    结果:医用 诊断X线机防护现况存在以下问题: 放射工作人员防护意识淡薄,部分 医用 诊断 X线机和个人防护用品老化,部分单位机房门窗缺少 屏蔽材料。

  • Results X-ray has great impact on the ceiling wall door and windows . Therefore in setting up the lead protective shield nail-holes should be carefully covered to prevent the leaking of X-ray .

    结果由于 X 射线对天花、 地面、墙身、门、窗影响最大,故搭挂铅皮均应注意钉孔的 保护,以免X射线从钉孔泄漏。