transient memory

[ˈtrænʃənt ˈmɛməri][ˈtrænziənt ˈmeməri]


  • Making of water-rocket with transient gaseous pressure memory

    瞬时气压 记忆型水箭的制作

  • In this dissertation transient thermal response of porous shape memory alloy actuator by thermal enhancement has been investigated numerically and experimentally .

    文中用实验和数值模拟的方法研究了 冷热流体加热和冷却形状 记忆合金多孔管驱动器。

  • In electromagnetic transient simulation of power system equivalent net - works can be used to reduce the simulation equipment or computer time and memory space .

    在电力系统电磁 暂态模拟中,等值网络的应用能有效地减小模拟设备(TNA)的规模及所需计算机的 内存和时间。

  • Conclusion A β P25-35 has transient impacts on the spatial memory and learning behavior in rats . But it does not cause a permanent damage . Short-term exposure to A β P will not result in permanent changes of space-learning behavior .

    结论一次性双侧nbM部位Aβ P25-35注射可导致实验大鼠一过性空间学习 记忆能力的损害,提示AβP短暂暴露不能造成永久性的学习行为改变。

  • Design of Software for Human Resource Evaluation & Transient Memory Test Subsystem

    人才测评软件设计&之 瞬时 记忆力测试子系统

  • If DOS finds the matching file it loads the file from disk into the transient portion of the command processor and available memory if required and then executes it .

    如果DOS找到了相匹配的文件,它就把文件从磁盘装入命令处理程序的 部分,如果需要,还要将其装入 存储器中,然后执行它。

  • Behavioral training of fear-conditioning triggered a transient elevation of Tob protein which preceded the formation of long-term memory .

    行为训练可以导致脑内 Tob蛋白表达量的一过 升高,而且这一表达升高发生在长时 记忆形成之前。

  • The influence of transient ischemic attack on memory function

    短暂 脑缺血发作对 智力影响的临床研究

  • In this paper transient temperature fields on the surface of shape memory alloy ( SMA ) are numerically and experimentally investigated by periodical liquid-jet impinging .

    该文用实验和数值计算的方法研究了周期性边界条件下射流冲击形状 记忆合金表面的温度场 瞬态分布规律。

  • A transient variable enables the application to keep a copy in local memory but rebuilds the object if using the backup copy .

    临时变量允许应用程序在本地 内存中保留副本,但可以在使用备份副本的情况下重新构建对象。

  • The effective management for a resident data area a transient area and a free area in main memory reduces the table swapping between the main memory and the disk .

    通过对 内存常驻数据区、 临时数据区和空白区的有效管理,从而减少了常用表的内外存频繁切换,提高了效率。

  • The transient stress-strain relation curve was denoted by segment polygonal line named framework curve . The usability coefficients expressed the memory characteristic of material . The yield-stress increment could solve the plastic hysteresis problems in SFEM including cycle-hardening or cycle-softening phenomenon .

    应变曲线以骨架曲线形式表示,描述材料塑性性质和 记忆特性,屈服应力增量可用来解决包括材料循环硬化或循环软化影响在内的塑性滞后现象。

  • It even allows a transient memory store so you can play with your test without neededing a database .

    它甚至允许使用一个 临时 内存存储系统,这样一来,您的测试可以摆脱数据库的束缚。

  • Transient global amnesia is a clinical syndrome characterized by the transient memory loss .

    短暂性完全遗忘是一种以一 记忆丧失为主要特征的临床综合征。

  • Discuss of Transient Memory Technology Based on FPGA

    基于FPGA的 存储技术的研究

  • Transient ischemic attack in vertebral basilar artery system and patients ' memory function

    椎基底动脉系统 短暂 脑缺血发作与患者的 记忆功能

  • Vibration control and earthquake transient dynamic analysis of a structural installation with a shape memory alloy pseudoelasticity damper

    基于形状 记忆合金超弹性阻尼器的结构振动控制和地震 程分析

  • The most appropriate way to help users with both transient and sovereign apps is to give the applications a memory .

    对于 暂时 应用程序和独占式应用程序来说,帮助用户最好的方式是让程序具有 记忆 能力