transition error

[trænˈzɪʃən ˈɛrɚ][trænˈziʃən ˈerə]


  • Based on the design value for polymer reject produced during grade transition period in polyethylene plant this paper established a model for predicting the reject ratio with average error of 10.45 % for homopolymer grades and 5.07 % for copolymer grades .

    基于工厂聚乙烯树脂牌号 切换产生废料量的设计值,建立了废料量的预测模型,其 误差仅为10.45%(均聚牌号)和5.07%(共聚牌号);

  • News planning is an important means for effectively implementing news resources distribution and therefore has a positive effect on the transition of the news values but in the practical operation of domestic media some have value error zone .

    新闻 策划是实现新闻资源有效配置的重要手段,它对于新闻价值的 转化具有重要的积极作用。

  • The optimal depths of the wedge-shaped notch for different tapered transition lengths have been determined by trial and error .

    对于不同渐变 过渡段长度,其最佳楔形凹槽深度由实验试 法得到。

  • We analysis the affection that the transition matrix error of a Markov chain brings to the average reward of the system and discuss the computation of the system sensitivity .

    我们分析了马尔可夫链 转移矩阵的 扰动对平均报酬的影响,讨论了系统敏感性的计算。

  • A method of estimation of motion parameter error based on the quality of reconstructed image is suggested . That area error and contour transition turn error is used to be quality criteria .

    提出用重建的图像的质量来估价运动参数误差,并给出了误差面积和轮廓 转折 误差二个函数。

  • The transition matrix of this filter uses equivalent rotation vector based on quaternions to calculate the attitude which can avoid the singularity problem of Euler angles and suppress the noncommutativity error .

    此滤波器的 状态 转移阵利用基于四元数的等效旋转矢量来计算姿态。等效旋转矢量法可以避免欧拉角的奇异问题,并能有效抑制不可交换 误差

  • At last N + stategy is proved efficient in finding more error state and transition error by contrast and facts .

    最后,通过对比和事实,证明N+测试策略能够发现更多的错误状态和不正确的 转换 错误,是比较充足的。

  • Comparing the discrete data of detecting stator curve with the error principle of theoretical transition curve and cutting error in this article a new differentiating rule is put forward and some problems in discerning theoretical equation should be considered .

    本文通过检测的叶片泵定子内曲线的离散数据和加工理论 过渡曲线 形成的 误差原理,提出了在辨识过渡曲线类型和加工方向时应注意的问题和新的鉴别准则。

  • Testing for Threshold Cointegration in Nonlinear Smooth Transition Error Correction Models

    非线性 误差校正模型中的阈值 整检验&基于阈值协整向量未知的扩展

  • So with the transition from classical error theory to modern error theory people gradually accept that the reliability standard of the result of measurement is expressed by measurement uncertainty .

    随着经典 误差理论向现代误差理论 变迁,人们逐渐接受采用测量不确定度来表示测量结果的可靠性程度。

  • Chinese learners during the transition process of learning words will appear not accurately express . Worse still there will be a syntax error which gave verbal communication is a big inconvenience .

    汉语学习者在进行 转折关系词语学习的过程中会出现不能准确的表词达意,更甚者会出现语法 错误,这给语言交流带来了很大的不便。

  • A new global identification algorithm based on transition matrix is raised to correct the error of determining the polynomials ' coefficients of the rational fraction 's denominator in the algorithm invented by Richardson .

    针对Richardson整体识别方法中确定有理分式的分母多项式系数的 错误,提出了基于 过渡矩阵的正交多项式整体识别新算法。

  • The description of the energy transition process between system error term and parameter estimate term indicates that the traditional locally stable MRAC controller does not consider the possibility of system instability sufficiently due to the adaptive parameter surge .

    通过对系统 误差项与参数估计项之间能量 转移过程的描述,说明常规的区域稳定自适应控制器尚未充分考虑因估计参数振荡引起系统失稳的可能性。

  • The diabatic heating from phase state transition leads to small-scale potential temperature difference after which convection error accrues .

    水汽 相变 过程中的非绝热加热,引起小尺度位温误差,最终导致小尺度对流 误差的产生。

  • From the matrix of transition probabilities of the Markov chain the steadystate phase error of the DPLL is determined and in the same way the loop 's transient response calculated for a fading input .

    从马尔可夫链的 转移概率矩阵出发,确定了数字相环(DPLL)的稳态相位 误差,用同样的方法计算了输入信号衰落时的瞬态响应。

  • The paper describes in detail the effect of angle measurement error to drag-force coefficient error from three aspects : deducting from model self-weight balance coordinates transition and error distribution . Otherwise the development history of angle measurement technique is described briefly .

    从扣除模型自重、天平轴系 转换 误差分配三方面详细描述了角度测量误差对阻力系数误差的影响,另外对于国内外角度测量技术的发展历史也进行了的概述。

  • And it presents an estimation method for frequency difference by means of data synchronization selecting the time window of AFC frequency difference estimation hi order to solve the problem that data symbol transition induces an enormous error of frequency difference estimation .

    针对AFC频差估计中数据 突变引起频差估计较大 误差的问题,提出了利用数据符号同步对 AFC频差估计时间窗口选择的AFC频差估计方法。

  • In this paper a method of fitting the curve of transition zone by segment respectively with a best-fit-circle is proposed and an instrument model TZ-1 for inspecting the transition zone is successfully developed . Its measurement error is within 2 % .

    本文提出以最佳拟合圆分段拟合过渡带曲线的方法,并相应研制成TZ&1型 过渡带检测仪,其测量 精度<2%。

  • Since that existing criterion for matching zone similarity is all based on minimum error and the resolution of cellular state value decreases as transition coefficient value increases which results in the failure of minimum error method .

    已有的类似区域的匹配准则均是基于最小误差,细胞的状态值的分辨率随着 传递次数的增加而降低,导致最小 误差法失效,因此,本文提出基于最大相关系数的匹配准则。

  • The longer time the flue gas passing through transition pipes has or the shorter switch time is the higher heat efficiency error because of the fuel gas loss has .

    烟气流过 过渡管道时间越长,切换周期越短,忽略燃气排放损失的热效率 误差越大。

  • On the basis of the concept of fitness landscape we can get two significant features from the Eigen model : the quasi-species distribution at low mutation rate and the transition to random distribution at critical mutation rate i.e. error threshold .

    在适应面概念的基础上,Eigen模型能够得到两个重要结论:低突变率时的准物种分布和在临界突变率时到一种完全随机分布的 转变,即 误差阈。

  • This article appears on the basis of analysis decision-making deviating cause and establishes evaluation standards to prove any decision in transition period then proposes preventive measures that are prevention in advance error correction ascertaining responsibility afterwards .

    本文在分析决策出现偏差原因基础上,确立了 转型期决策评判的求证标准,并提出事前预防、事中 纠偏、事后责任追究全方位治理防范对策。

  • This paper presents two models for describing error of transition curve features based on error of points on the curve .

    该文推导了 缓和曲线上任意点坐标的 方差的加权平均值,来建立描述 曲线元不确定性的模型。

  • The mechanism that produced error the laws pertaining to error transition and error transformation are explored in turn .

    探索 错误系统、错误因素之间 传递、转化的规律;