The family and boardroom saga had all the trappings of a soap opera .
这场涉及家族和董事会的 风波具备肥皂剧的一切 元素。
To dress up a simple expressive folk tune in the trappings of a symphony is to degrade it .
把简练的富于感情的民间曲调用交响乐的 装饰打扮起来就是贬低它。
It has the trappings of an election campaign in the United States with slick television ads touting the candidates .
它具有美国竞选活动的 典型 特征,即通过华而不实的电视广告来吹嘘候选人。
The family were in government for several generations and evidently loved the trappings of power .
那个家族好几代人都曾在政府 任职,显然对 随权力 而来的 各种 额外 实惠 情有独 钟。
He wore all the trappings of high officer .
他佩戴着高级 官职 的 各种 服饰。
An ornamental covering for a horse or for its saddle or harness ; trappings .
为马或其鞍或挽具而备的一个装饰性的遮盖物;马 饰。
And with the hype around him building he was being exposed more and more to the trappings of life as a pro .
并大肆宣传他的周围建设中,他被揭露,越来越多的 服饰,生活中 第一次作为职业。
We cannot strip away the conceptual trappings sentence by sentence and leave a description of the objective world ;
我们不可能 逐句 逐句 地 剥开概念的 陷阱, 达到对客观世界的 纯描述的 境界;
But instead of just wearing the trappings of the super-rich buy-out chiefs have developed a taste for owning the companies that make the luxury brands .
但收购公司的主管们现在不仅要穿超级富豪的 服饰,还开发出了对拥有奢侈品牌制造公司的品味。
He enjoyed the trappings of power such as a chauffeur-driven car and bodyguards .
他喜欢讲究权势的 排场,例如雇有司机的汽车和保镖。
Our country 's nationality trappings are very various it have big difference of northern and southern national minority .
我国的民族 服饰 异彩 纷呈,南北方 服饰 形态存在着很大差异。
The goal of training promising teachers had been lost in the shuffle of educational trappings .
由于在教学 设备 问题上 纠缠 不休,优秀老师的培养目标问题反而被忽略了。
Japan India and China have taken on the material trappings of Modernism : skyscrapers rail systems telecoms networks parliaments judiciaries and in some cases ballot boxes .
日本、印度和中国呈现出了现代主义的物质 外表:摩天大楼、轨道交通系统、电信网络、议会、司法体系以及(在某些情况下)投票箱。
The imperial trappings were gone but underneath still lay the rotten body of medieval life .
帝国 官吏 的 顶 戴 花翎不见了,但是社会仍然保持中世纪的腐朽形态。
All the rest of Buddhism we can now let go as the religious trappings of an ancient culture utterly inappropriate for the Dhamma of our technological age .
佛教的其余一切, 只是一个古老文化的宗教性 装饰,作为我们当今科技时代的佛法已彻底不合宜,如今可以放弃了。
Nation distributing and trappings have a character of solid .
民族分布、 服饰 文化等都 体现 出一种立体 状的特点。
But all they had added was the trappings and panoply of applied science .
但是他们所增添的一切,不过是实用科学的 装饰和甲胄罢了。
Taipei carol competitive trappings young mummy 's first choice !
台北卡洛儿精品 仕女 服饰,年轻妈妈的不二选择!
He have the trappings of high office but no real power .
他 空有 高官 的 派头却并无实权。
He also shuns the trappings of wealth .
佩尔穆特还避免 炫富。
We all need to be aware of clickjacking and how to avoid its trappings .
我们全都需要留意点击劫持以及如何避免其中的 陷井。
He needs no trappings of fame .
他不需要名声的 虚饰。
The judge wore a wig and all the trappings of his position .
法官戴了假发和全 套 代表他 那个地位的 服饰。
All state-owned their bosses enjoy ministerial-level status and trappings .
它们都是国有企业,企业负责人享受部长级地位和 待遇。
He surrounds himself with all the trappings of gentility — dogs horses and fine paintings
他身边满是 象征高贵身份的 东西——狗,马以及精美的画。
The impact from mass markets in middle-class trappings such as cars and air-conditioners has yet to kick in .
而汽车、空调等中产 阶级 用品大众市场的影响还没有计算在内。
We are a Corporate Run country with the trappings of a Republic .
我们是一个企业经营 性质 的 共和国。
The purity of life without all the trappings will soon be the absolute highest form of understanding .
没有所有 陷阱的纯净生活将会很快是绝对的最高形式的理解。
He has all the trappings of a cowboy but he can not even ride a horse .
他 外表 及其 穿著 很 像一个牛仔,但却连骑马都不会。