transformer load

[trænsˈfɔrmɚ lod][trænsˈfɔ:mə ləud]

[计] 变压器负载

  • Burden error of PT Substation transformer load balancing and load monitoring

    电源变压器负载误差变电站 变压器 负荷平衡和负荷监测

  • The comprehensive switching control is carried out by the control strategy of combining transformer load with transformer temperature and the change rate of temperature . The cyclic operation of cooling unit group is controlled by the principle of accumulated operating time balance .

    装置以 变压器 负荷面温度与温度变化率相结合的控制策略进行冷却器的综合投切控制,以冷却器组的累计运行时间基本均衡为原则进行冷却器组循环控制。

  • Achievement of Single iron Core Rectifier Transformer with Load Ratio Adjustment and Phase Shift

    调压兼移相整流 变压器的实现

  • If regulating equipment is needed it may be desirable to provide it in the transformer by using load tap changer ( LTC ) equipment .

    若需要调节设备,可要求在 变压器中采用有 分接开关(LTC)设备。

  • In the course of running of a transformer in load both the transformer and its load impedance have affection on the change of vice-side voltage .

    变压器在实际的 负载运行中,负载阻抗及变压器自身都影响着副边电压的变化。

  • Substation transformer load monitoring

    变电站 变压器 负荷监测

  • The thesis discussed the fundamental which is voltage grade reliability connection mode transformer load and power equipment .

    论文阐述了城市电网规划中电压等级、供电可靠性、接线方式、 变压器 负荷 取值和供电设施的基本原则。

  • Multi time scale characteristics of the system was illustrated after building the dynamic models of distribution line on load tap changing transformer and load .

    文中建立了包括DVR在内的线路、有载调压 变压器负荷等相关 设备的数学模型,指出了系统的多时标特性。

  • The thesis adopt investigation and fuzzy clustering to gain all kind of industry trades and transformer sub-stations load static characteristics .

    以用户调查资料为依据,综合得出各行业的静态 负荷特征参数和各 变电站的静态特征参数。

  • On Structure Improvement of Transformer On Load Tap Changer for Moisture Resisting

    电力 变压器调压开关防潮结构的改进探讨

  • How to select capacity of transformer according to the annual hours max-load power to calculate active kWh loss and kvar loss of transformer using load undulation loss factor are introduced and a technology-economic analysis is made in this paper .

    本文介绍根据年小时最大负载功率来选择变压器容量,应用 负载波动损耗系数计算 变压器有功电量损耗和无功电量损耗,并进行技术经济分析。

  • Optimum model for substation 's economical capacity and the configuration of transformer under different load density

    变电站的经济容量优化模型及其不同 负荷密度下的 变压器配置研究

  • Measurement Principle Analysis of Y / yn Transformer with Single-phase Load

    Y/yn接线 变压器带单相 负载的计量原理分析

  • A Method of Adjusting Tap of Converter Transformer for Load Flow Calculation of AC / DC Power System

    交直流系统 潮流计算中换流 变压器分接头的调整方法

  • Mainly carries on in the load current wave test process using the current transformer the load current the transformation simultaneously turns on the synchronized signal to carry on the contrast to use in the profile the analysis .

    在负载电流波形检测过程中主要运用电流 互感 负载电流进行转换,同时接入同步信号进行对比用于波形的分析。

  • Electric saver can improve the power factor reducing input current lighting the transformer 's load and increasing efficiency and transformer 's volume .

    提高功率因数,降低输入电流,减轻了 变压器 负荷并提高了效率,增大了变压器的容量。

  • Substation transformer load balancing and load monitoring

    变电站 变压器 负荷平衡和负荷监测

  • Study and Application of Transformer Economic Load Dispatch

    变压器 负载经济调度方式的研究与应用

  • Improvement of the Power Factor of Transformer Load by Zero passage Periodic Wave Triggering

    用过零周波触发方法提高 变压器 负载的功率因素

  • Single - microcomputer System Tests Transformer Load

    单片机系统测试 变压器 负载

  • In recent years there has been some differential protection of transformer malfunction accidents when transformer load switching nearby . Studies of domestic and foreign experts have shown that lead to such accidents mainly due to sympathetic inrush .

    近年来,出现了多起空载 变压器合闸,相邻变压器的差动保护误动的事故,国内外专家研究表明引发这种事故的主要原因是空载变压器合闸所引起的和应涌流。

  • The generator neutral point of Hubei Tiantang Pump-storage Power Station adopts the earthing scheme through distribution voltage transformer with secondary load resistance .

    湖北天堂抽水蓄能电站发电机中性点采用带二次 负载电阻配电 变压器的接地方式。

  • Notably the temperature in the hottest district of the winding is regarded as the essential constraint on the transformer load .

    变压器绕组最热区域内达到的温度,也是 变压器 负载 的最主要限制因素。

  • Auto-switching equipment for economic operation of transformer based on load forecast

    基于 负荷预测的 变压器经济运行自动投切装置

  • The equivalent resistance is derived for distribution transformer load loss and line loss of planning grid and the maximum current is calculated for each feeder according to their capacity ratios .

    推导出规划网架的线路损耗和配 负载损耗的等值电阻,利用馈线容量比值估算馈线最大电流。

  • This paper analyses the transformer annexe copper loss caused by the transformer load undulating and presents some formulae for calculating the transformer annexe copper loss with a view to providing a basis for an economical operation of transformers .

    本文分析 变压器 负荷波动引起的 变压器附加损耗,推导变压器负荷波动附加铜损计算公式,为变压器经济运行提供依据。

  • An analysis and calculation of the transformer annexe copper loss caused by transformer load undulating

    电力 变压器 负荷波动附加铜损及其计算

  • Simulative model and its application of regulated capacity transformer on load

    调容 变压器的仿真及应用

  • Indication and conversion of voltage - regulating transformer on load

    调压 变压器 位显示转换

  • Representative Malfunction Analyses And Treatment Of Transformer On Load Tap Changer
