Dada a European artistic and literary movement ( 1916-1923 ) that flouted conventional aesthetic and cultural values by producing works marked by nonsense travesty and incongruity .
达达主义运动,欧洲文学艺术界的运动( 1916-1923),通过随意涂写、 嘲讽及不和谐的作品来藐视传统的艺术和文化价值。
Autorun for CDs is a travesty of security practice as is application selection by the software when you double-click a file .
自动决策是一个 滑稽的安全做法,就像您双击一个文件,让软件选择相应的应用程序。
If he couldn 't prepare his case properly the trial would be a travesty .
如果他不能好好准备他的诉讼,审判将会成为一 场 拙劣 的 闹剧。
Surely such a travesty has never occurred .
我确定这种 滑稽 事从来就没有发生过。
Makeup for a conventionalized comic travesty of Black people especially in a minstrel show . The opera features unique solo singing refined acting rich percussion and funny comedians .
扮演黑人的化妆 滑稽 模仿黑人的传统喜剧的化妆,尤其是在黑脸歌唱团表演中戏剧的特点是拥有独特的唱腔、优美的表演、丰富的配乐、滑稽可笑的喜剧演员。
The more rapidly the records are gathered and erased the less likely that the travesty associated needs to play out amongst the humans that live nearby .
记录收集和 抹除得越快,在附近居住的人们间 发生 悲剧的可能就越小。
It is also why so many of his scholarly critics completely miss the heart of who he was and why his son 's recent portrayal of his father is such a travesty and an outrage .
这是许多在学术上批评他的人所完全忽略的,这也是为什么 法兰基最近 对他父亲的写照是这样地 钮 曲 事实和令人愤怒。
Yet even as San Francisco Giants fans hailed their hero many other baseball fans across America were dismissing Mr Bonds as a cheat and his new record a travesty .
当旧金山巨人队球迷为他们的英雄高呼 呐喊之时,其他棒球迷却认为庞 兹 不仅忽悠了他们,且其新纪录也是一 场 彻头彻尾 的 骗局。
Our celebration tonight is a travesty .
我们今晚的庆典就是 如此 滑稽。
( it had only one John Irving novel also a travesty . )
(Oyster只有一本约翰•艾文的小说,这也有些 说不过去。)
This is of course a travesty of the true meaning of lunch .
这当然是对午餐真正含义的 曲解。
There need not be vast travesty or economic fall out ; there can be changes that support all the life upon earth 's body .
并没有必要出现巨大的 悲剧或者经济崩溃,可以出现改变,来支持地球身躯上的一切生灵。
Her research suggests that Smith 's reputation today is a travesty of what he really stood for
她的研究表明史密斯今天的名声是对他过去真正主张的一种 嘲弄 。
The trial was a travesty of justice .
这次审判 嘲弄了 法律的公正性。
They collapse standards and offer a vainglorious travesty of a cultural experience to a paying public .
它们破坏了标准,并给付费公众带来了对文化体验的 虚荣 模仿。
Reframing a work travesty by offering up solid well-researched solution in a timely manner will prove to your boss youre not only a thinker but also a doer with management potential .
及时提供可靠的、仔细研究过的方案来重新梳理工作,会向老板证明你不只会思考,也是一个有管理能力的 实干者。
Pontius Pilate had Jesus ' crime King of the Jews posted in three languages in ironic tribute to the travesty of justice .
本丢彼拉多以三种语言张贴耶稣的「罪状」&犹太人的王,明褒暗贬被人 嘲讽的正义。
It makes a travesty of the Olympic spirit .
它是对奥林匹克精神的 嘲弄。
The experts agree that if the health workers are found guilty it would be a travesty of justice .
这些专家同意说,如果这些医务工作者被判有罪,那将是 对正义的 嘲弄。
Any potential travesty is avoided by choosing to release or return the karma and transmute the thought-form instead .
任何潜在的 悲剧都能选择释放或归还业力并转换思想形态而被避免。
And I certainly wouldn 't dispute the travesty of the plastic disposable utensils .
同时,我当然不会怀疑一次性 筷子 的 作用。
The last election in2007 was a travesty ; some judged it to be the most rigged poll in the country 's history others in the history of Africa .
发生在2007年的最近一次大选 简直是一 场 闹剧,一些人认为这是尼日利亚史上最大的一 场投票弊案, 更有人认为其是整个非洲史上最大的一 次。