The mechanism of post traumatic epilepsy ( PTE ) is unclear .
外伤后癫痫(post traumatic epilepsy, PTE)的 发病机制尚不清楚。
Conclusion Therapy of brain traumatic epilepsy with HBO can shorten healing period and improve the theraputic effect without side-effect .
结论HBO治疗能缩短临床治疗时间,明显提高脑 外伤 性 癫痫的疗效,且无毒副作用。
Iron induced post traumatic epilepsy animal model is stable and credible .
铁致 PTE动物模型是一种稳定可靠的 PTE 动物模型。
Conclusion : Therapy of brain traumatic epilepsy with HBO can improve significantly the theraputic effect .
结论:HBO治疗能明显提高脑 外伤 性 癫痫的疗效。
Research the behavior and the electroencephalograms ( EEGs ) of rat models of post traumatic epilepsy ( PTE ) and study the value of them .
对铁致 外伤后 癫痫(PTE)动物模型的行为学和脑电图进行研究以探讨其研究应用价值。
Traumatic epilepsy : clinical analysis of 54 cases
小儿 外伤 性 癫痫54例临床分析
Other complications were non-bacterial meningitis nasal CSF fistula transient hemiparesis mutism traumatic aneurysm epilepsy etc.
其他并发症还有无菌性脑膜炎、脑脊液鼻漏、暂时性偏瘫、缄默性失语、 创伤性动脉瘤、 癫 疒 间等。
Results : The significant difference in diagnosis of psychosis personality changes traumatic epilepsy and neurosis related to brain injuries was found .
结果初鉴和复鉴在颅脑损伤所致精神病性症状、人格改变、 外伤 性 癫痫及神经症性症状等类型的发生率上差异较大;
Aim : To study the change of iron metabolism in the brain of the post traumatic epilepsy ( PTE ) animal model identify the role of the iron in the mechanism of the PTE.
目的:从脑内铁代谢的角度研究铁在 外伤后 癫(PTE)发病机制中的可能作用。
DATA EXTRACTION : There were 65 literatures about the expression and role of S-100 β after cerebral ischemia ischemia and anoxia encephalopathy traumatic brain injury central nervous system inflammation and epilepsy and 28 with the representative viewpoints were cited .
资料提炼:检索到的关于脑缺血、 创伤性脑损伤、缺血缺氧性脑病、中枢神经系统炎症和 癫痫S-100β蛋白的表达与作用的文献共65篇,选择观点相似的文献引用28篇。
Results The clinical data of 2 137 cases with head injury from 1995 Mar. to 1998 Mar. were reviewed and analyzed . The rate of incidence of traumatic epilepsy is 5.43 % .
结果自1995年3月至1999年3月共收治颅脑损伤病人2137例, 外伤 后 癫痫116例,发病率5.43%。
Conclusion The forensic determination of post traumatic epilepsy must be on the basis of traumatic and previous history combined with EEG CT and MRI analysis .
结果提示: 外伤 性 癫痫法医学鉴定必须以掌握外伤史及既往史为基础,结合EEG、CT、MRI等检查方可作出正确鉴定。
Conclusion The application of TM has a synergistic action on the routine antiepileptic drugs for traumatic epilepsy .
在常规抗癫痫药物治疗的基础上,川芎嗪的应用可显著提高 外伤 性 癫痫 的 治疗效果。