



  • The championships proved to be a personal triumph for the coach Dave Donovan

    事实证明,在这次锦标赛中教练戴夫·多诺万 取得非凡的个人 成就

  • All her life Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges and triumphed

    凯莉一生经历 各种艰巨的任务与挑战,她都 一一 成功应对

  • The President is keen to notch a political triumph that would foster freer world trade and faster economic growth .

    总统渴望 获得政治 胜利,以促使世界贸易更为自由,经济发展更为迅速。

  • This is my triumph this is my coronation day !

    这是我的 胜利,这是我的加冕一天!

  • His final round was a signal triumph in a career marked by many sweet moments .

    最后一场比赛的 胜利在他充满欣喜的职业生涯中具有非凡的意义。

  • He came up to me with the glint of triumph in his eye .

    他向我走来,眼里闪现出一丝 胜利的神情。

  • A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure .

    它的 成功和失败都同样是史诗性的。

  • We firmly believe that a just cause is bound to triumph .

    我们确信正义的事业一定会 胜利

  • The sense of triumph and renewed possession swelled within him .


  • This was a triumph .

    这就是 胜利

  • Even the quality papers agreed that it was a triumph .

    即使是内容严肃的报纸也认为这是一次 胜利

  • I learned that courage was not the absence of fear but the triumph over it .

    我懂得了,勇气不是没有恐惧,而是 战胜恐惧。

  • They will only triumph by persevering in their struggle against natural calamities .

    他们只有坚持与自然灾害搏斗,才能 取得 胜利

  • In the moment of triumph I felt uneasy .


  • His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding .

    他的 胜利因为一种令人不安的不祥预感蒙上了阴影。

  • They partook of our triumph .

    他们分享我们的 胜利

  • What price a glorious repeat of last week 's triumph ?

    还有可能再次上演上周的 辉煌 胜利吗?

  • It 's a triumph for the American people .

    这是美国人民的 胜利

  • He was laughing with triumph .

    他发出 胜利的大笑。

  • Triumph 's over hell and death .

    将会 战胜地狱和死亡。

  • The whole world looked to her as a symbol of good triumphing over evil .

    全世界都把她视为 正义 战胜邪恶的象征。

  • Dad 's flowers symbolized his pride and my triumph .

    老爸的花象征着他的骄傲和我的 成功

  • And the blood and terror and triumph it represents .

    它代表着血和泪, 沮丧 成功

  • Songs of triumph are heard all round and good news keeps pouring in .

    凯歌阵阵, 喜报频传。

  • Cataract operations are a triumph of modern surgery with a success rate of more than 90 percent

    成功率达到90%以上的 白内障手术是现代外科学的 杰出 成果

  • ' That 's much too subtle even for Sam. ' — ' Even for Sam ! ' He pounced on the phrase with a sound of triumph .

    “那太微妙了,即便对萨姆来说。”——“即便对山姆来说!”,他 得意洋洋地抓住了这句话。

  • The publishers were flushed with triumph when they secured rights to her novel .

    出版商为争取到她的小说的出版权而兴奋 不已

  • I played two games so I felt part of the triumph .

    我参与了两场比赛,所以我感到自己是 胜利的一部分。

  • Her sense of triumph was short-lived

    她只感受了片刻 成功 喜悦