A natural stream of water smaller than a river ( and often a tributary of a river ) .
水量小过河流的自然水流,常常充当河流的 支流。
A tributary of the Ohio River .
俄亥俄河的一 条 支流。
Maotiao River as a tributary of Wujiang River which had been entirely exploited also the first since1960s .
调查了我国第一条全流域 梯级水电开发的河流&猫跳河中梯级水库对磷的拦截效应。
A river in northeastern Kansas ; flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri River .
堪萨斯州东北的一条河流;东流成为密苏里河的一 条 支流。
A consortium of nine companies has won the right to build a hydroelectric dam on a tributary of the Amazon in Brazil .
一个由九个公司组成的财团赢得了在巴西亚马逊河某 支流建设一座水力发电大坝的权利。
a small tributary river .
一条小 支流
A tributary of the Missouri River .
密苏里河的一 条 支流。
Fishermen in the Hafar Canal a shallow tributary of the Euphrates River .
渔夫在幼发拉底河一 条狭窄的水道& 哈法尔水道中。
A river in southeastern France ; a tributary of the Rhone .
位于法国东南的一条河流;罗纳河的一 条 支流。
Sai Yuen tributary of the named Yu River originating from the north Funing County Nie mouth .
西源 支流名为渝河,发源于抚宁县聂口北。
A tributary of the Mississippi River .
密西西比河的一 条 支流。
Fascist in China is a small tributary of this stream .
中国的法西斯主义是这股 逆流的弱小 支流。
The main urban area locates in the north of Hun River a major tributary of the Liao River .
主要市区位于柬埔寨北部的河,主要 支流辽河。
Historically China has preferred hierarchical tributary relationships with lesser powers to outright territorial conquest .
从历史上看,中国更喜欢与较小国家保持等级森严的 进贡关系,而不是彻底的领土征服。
A tributary of the Platte River .
普拉特河的一 条 支流。
The principality became tributary to the Ottoman Empire during16th century .
这个公国在16世纪成为了 奥斯曼帝国的附属国。
A river in Alabama that flows southwestward to become a tributary of the mobile river .
阿拉巴马州内的一条河流,南流形成木比耳河的一 条 支流。
Several rivers are tributary to the Ganges .
有好几条河都是恒河的 支流。
Wusongkou injection in the Yangtze River the Yangtze River into the sea before the last tributary .
在吴淞口注入长江,是长江入海之前的最后一 条 支流。
A tributary of the Columbia River .
哥伦比亚河的一 条 支流。
The Tekes river is the biggest tributary of the Ili river .
特克斯河是伊犁河的第一大 支流。
The Historical Legacy of Tributary System and Its Influence on Relations between China and Its Circumjacent Countries
I went up the tributary instead of sticking to the river .
我不走大河,而是 沿着 支流而上。
This is a tributary of Zhujiang River .
这是珠江的一 条 支流。
Tianwan river is a medium sized River in Shimian and Kangding counties in Sichuan province which is the first tributary on the right bank of Dadu river .
田湾河是位于四川省石棉县和康定县境内的一条中型河流,为大渡河右岸的一 级 支流。
Guiyang is on a tributary of the Wu River in the center of the Guizhou province .
贵阳位于 乌江 支流上,居贵州省的正中央。
I planned a series of walks along the indre a lesser tributary of the loire .
我计划沿着安德尔河&卢瓦尔河的一条较小的 支流,作一系列散步。
The Missouri River is the chief tributary of the Mississippi .
密苏里河是密西西比河的主要 支流。
One of the many tributary canals that came twisting inland from the Gambia river .
由冈比亚河蜿蜒流入内地的许多 支渠之一。
Cultural Connotation of the Tributary System of East Asia & Compared with Western Colonial System
东亚 朝贡体系的文化内涵&与西方殖民体系的比较