trial period

[ˈtraɪəl ˈpɪriəd][ˈtraiəl ˈpiəriəd]


  • My trial period is up next week .

    我的 审讯 到下星期结束。

  • She agreed to employ me for a trial period .

    她同意 试用我一 时期

  • Many of these sites have free services and lessons as well as a free trial period .

    这些网站中的许多提供免费的服务及课程,以及免费 试用

  • The shock on her face was sufficient for me to offer her a three-week trial period .

    她脸上震惊的表情,足以说服我给她3周的 试用

  • I suggest the agency contract should be initially made for a trial period of one year .

    我建议一开始代理契约的 期限为一年。

  • You must continue to monitor the problem and after a trial period review your progress .

    你需要持续的监控这个问题,一 时间后做一下回顾。

  • Initially it would run for one year a kind of trial period .

    刚开始是一年,算是 试验

  • A nurse in training who is undergoing a trial period .

    正在 接受训练的 护士

  • It is not convinced Gao in second trial period applies unexpectedly to the sow and own piglet makes the DNA appraisal .

    不服气的高某在 二审 期间居然申请对母猪和自家的猪仔做DNA鉴定。

  • Yeah how much is it after the trial period ?

    好的,那它的 试用 过了以后怎么付费?

  • I suggest a shorter one one year for a trial period .

    我建议短一些,一 试试

  • After the 30-day trial period expired you were only able to use the no-charge capabilities .

    试用 结束后,您只能使用免费的功能。

  • The system will operate for a six-month trial period .

    这个系统将要 运行6个

  • In a sale by trial the parties may prescribe the trial period .

    第一百七十条试用买卖的当事人可以约定标的物的 试用 期间

  • Let new customers know they can cancel for any reason before the trial period expires .

    让新客户知道在 试验 期间可以无条件取消订单。

  • You may use Internet Radio for free even after expiration of trial period !

    你可以使用互联网广播免费即使在 试用 到期!

  • In a sale by trial the buyer may either purchase or reject the subject matter during the trial period .

    第一百七十一条试用买卖的买受人在 试用 可以购买标的物,也可以拒绝购买。

  • The trial period for agency seem rather too long for us .

    代理 试用 对我们来说似乎太长了。

  • She 's been taken on for an initial three-month trial period .

    她要先被 试用三个月。

  • I suggest that the agency contract shall be Initially make for a trial period of one year .

    我建议初始的代理契约 试用 应定为一年。

  • Free registration for translators and translation bureaus for a six-month trial period .

    免费注册为译员和一个为期六个月的 试验 时期的翻译局。

  • Once all the items have arrived I give them each a short trial period .

    一旦入手,就把每一款产品都小小 试用一下。

  • The security system will be reviewed after a three-month trial period .

    这个安全体系经过三个月 试用 之后将被核查。

  • Patricia : Look Wen I cannot promise anything but think of this week as a trial period .

    帕特丽夏:文,我不能保证什,只是想 一周吧。

  • He suggests establishing a trial period and a date for review .

    他建议设定一段 试行 ,并确定一个重新评估日期。

  • The appointment of an agent will be for a trial period of twelve month In the first Instance .

    代理人的委派首先要有12个月的 试用