
[计] X窗口

  • Techniques to Implement Chinese Oriented Application Systems in tile UNIX Operating System With X-Window Environment

    UNIX操作系统 X-Window汉字系统的实现技术

  • User interface generation and management system based on X-window

    基于 X&WINDOW的用户接口生成和管理系统 X-UIGMS

  • This paper presents the principle implementation function and features of the generating environments for software requirement analysis RAGE / DFD based on UNIX OS and X-WINDOW system .

    本文介绍一个建立在UNIXOS和 X&WINDOW系统上的软件需求分析生成环境RAGE/DFD,描述了它的原理、实现方法、功能和特点。

  • The system adopts standard UNIX operating system as the platform uses the latest X-Window window technology with standard C language and strong Motif technology support of interface between man and machine offers emulation control regulating function and shows and the function of online visits database .

    系统是采用标准的UNIX操作系统作为平台,应用最新的 X-Window窗口技术,以标准C语言及强大的Motif技术为人机界面的支撑,提供仿真控制调节功能、显示和在线访问数据库的功能。

  • This paper introduces the techniques of how to use C + + to program X-Window / Motif interface by calling X-WindoW / Motif library with OOP method .

    C++采用面向对象方法 开发 X-Window/Motif界面的 关键技术 予以介绍。

  • Most WWW browsers in X-Window environment can only process ISO 8859-1 character set . Some browsers such as NETSCAPE 2.0 can display multilingual infomation but lack input support for them .

    现有的基于 X-WINDOW系统的WWW浏览器大多只能处理ISO8859-1字符集,有些能显示多种文字的浏览器,如NETSCAPE2.0也缺乏对多种文字输入的支持。

  • X-Window has become the standard Linux graphics operating environment at present XIM is an agreement on the multi-byte language text input method part of X-Window to achieve international text input but not in embedded system is widely used .

    目前, X-Window已成为Linux标准的图形操作环境。XIM协议是X-Window关于多字节语言文字输入方法的协议部分,用以实现国际化文字输入,但并未在嵌入式系统中得到广泛运用。

  • On the Real-Time Image Manipulation Technology Under the X-Window System

    X 窗口系统中的实时视频图像 显示技术研究

  • Analyzing the feature of X programs and Xlib the paper approaches the design of X-Window program in multi-threaded environment and provides two methods to solve the multi-thread safe problem of Xlib .

    在分析了X应用程序特点和Xlib线程安全性的基础上给出了在多线程环境下 X 应用程序的线程框架设计,并提出了两种具体解决Xlib库多线程不安全问题的技术方法。