


  • Depression is a highly treatable illness ; seeking help is the first step to beat depression .

    抑郁症是 可以痊愈的, 及早求助,就是破解抑郁的第一步。

  • In wealthy countries AIDS has become a treatable disease . He could have been extremely wealthy .

    在富裕国家, 爱滋病 已有 。他本来可以成为极其富有的人。

  • With medication counseling and support this widespread disease is easily treatable .

    在药物治疗、咨询服务和 家人的支持下,这种普遍的疾病是可以 治疗的。

  • Influenza is however both a vaccine-preventable and treatable disease .

    然而,流感是一种可以通过疫苗进行预防,也可予以 治疗的疾病。

  • Diarrhoeal disease is treatable with a solution of clean water sugar and salt and with zinc tablets .

    可用加糖和 加盐的洁净水以及锌片治疗腹泻病。

  • Although advances in rehydration therapy have made cholera a treatable disease in areas with sufficient medical care it remains a fatal condition among the world 's most impoverished populations .

    虽然在医疗条件好的地区通过有效的补足水治疗令霍乱变成一种 治愈的疾病,但对世界上大多数穷困来说霍乱还是一种致命的疾病。

  • This is a treatable condition

    这是一种 治愈的疾病

  • Love is a panacea that cures spiritual wounds . In wealthy countries AIDS has become a treatable disease .

    爱是一剂治疗心灵创伤的灵丹妙药。在富裕国家, 爱滋病已有

  • If diagnosed early HIV although incurable is now treatable for many people .

    如果在早期诊断出感染艾滋病病毒,虽然不能治愈,但却 可以让许多人得到 治疗

  • Mild anxiety is often treatable with early modest interventions .

    轻度的焦虑症常 可以通过早期、适度的干预来进行 治疗

  • Cholera is an easily treatable disease .

    霍乱是一种容易 治疗的疾病。

  • This research uses generalization-content analysis to integrate these texts and discover possible treatable factors to the client .

    本研究采用 叙说研究之「归类-内容」来分析这些文本,并且找出可能改变当事人的疗效因子。

  • S. - assisted efforts to increase economic development and fight HIV / AIDS malaria and other treatable diseases .

    这些项目包括促进经济发展、抗击艾滋病和疟疾以及其他 治疗的疾病。

  • Develop guidance and training materials on the prevention diagnosis and management of diseases treatable by therapeutic sera .

    制定关于预防、诊断和管理用治疗血清 治疗疾病的指导和培训材料。

  • Now it is becoming a chronic but treatable condition for many patients akin to heart disease or AIDS said the paper .

    现在,对许多患者来说它变成了一种慢性的、 治疗的病情,类似于心脏病或爱滋病。

  • Ways AIDS Dietotherapy beetroot spinach garlic and olive oil are another common food however yet to be put together after these foods after processing has become a treatable AIDS drugs .

    艾滋病食疗方法&甜菜根、菠菜、大蒜和橄榄油是再普通不过的食品了,然而将这些食品放在一起经过加工后竟成了 治疗艾滋病的药物。

  • Depression is often a chronic illness characterized by relapses and recurrences but it is also very treatable .

    抑郁症往往是慢性病,具有复发和再发的特点,但同时它绝对是可 治疗的。

  • Also breast cancer is generally more detectable and treatable than ovarian cancer .

    与卵巢癌相比,乳腺癌通常更容易发现和 治疗

  • Unfortunately many people do not recognize that depression is a treatable illness .

    然而不幸的是,很多人没有意识到抑郁是 可以 治疗的。

  • Over two thirds of under-five child deaths are due to diseases that are preventable and treatable through simple affordable interventions .

    五岁以下儿童死亡中三分之二以上是由 一些 通过负担得起的简单干预措施得以预防和 治疗的疾病所导致。

  • Without those screenings women are less likely to catch breast cancer at a more treatable stage .

    由于没有检测出来,女性错过了 治疗乳腺癌的 最佳时间。

  • The good news about depression is that it 's almost always treatable .

    好消息是忧郁症差不多都 治愈

  • Depression is treatable .

    抑郁症是 可以 治愈的。

  • Preventable and treatable injuries and diseases are overwhelming sub-Saharan Africa the Indian subcontinent and other impoverished areas of the world .

    撒哈拉以南非洲、印度次大陆和世界其他贫困地区备受可预防和 治疗的损伤和疾病困扰。

  • Many of these children die from a handful of treatable infectious diseases including diarrhoea pneumonia malaria and measles .

    这些儿童许多死于少数几种 治疗的传染病,包括腹泻、肺炎、疟疾和麻疹。

  • Cancer today for example is largely a treatable disease .

    例如,癌症现在已基本上是一种 可治 症。

  • Malaria is a preventable and treatable vector-borne infectious disease .

    疟疾是一种透过病媒传染的疾病,是可防预及 医治的。

  • She was living with a treatable illness .

    她只是有 治愈的疾病。

  • The lungs are subject to several diseases which are treatable by surgery .

    肺易受几种疾病的 侵袭,但 均可经手术治疗。