treatment of disputes

[经] 争议的处理

  • As the employee specializing in legal affairs enterprise counsels play important role in business administration prevention of legal risk contract management treatment of disputes and lawsuit assistance .

    企业法务作为企业内部专门负责处理法律事务的工作人员,在企业管理、法律风险防范、合同管理、 争议 处理、诉讼辅助等领域发挥着重要作用。

  • Research showed that since the Medical Malpractice Treatment was enacted from 2002 the occurrence of medical disputes has surged and the violent events level has increased .

    研究表明,自2002年《医疗事故 处理条例》颁布以来,医疗 纠纷的发生更是数量激增、暴戾程度加剧。

  • The Legal Consideration of Rebuilding China 's Treatment System of Labor Disputes

    重构我国劳动 争议 处理体制的法律思考

  • In recent decades the ITCs have presented several important developments e.g. the production of multilateral tax conventions the incorporation of most-favored-nation treatment clause and the adoption of arbitration method for settling international tax disputes .

    晚近以来,国际税收协定呈现出几个突破性的重大发展,即区域性多边税收协定的产生、最惠国 待遇条款的引入和国际税收 争议仲裁解决条款的订立。

  • This paper introduces the category hazard and program of treatment of mine field border disputes .

    介绍了矿区边界 纠纷的类别、危害, 处理 纠纷的程序。

  • Stressing the Sense of Evidence in the treatment of Tumors to Prevent the Disputes of Nursing

    加强肿瘤 治疗的证据意识,预防护理 纠纷

  • Objective : To analyze the prevention and treatment of neurosurgical nursing disputes measures .

    目的:分析探讨预防和 神经外科 纠纷的措施。

  • The second component elaborates the imperfection of labor treatment of disputes system ;

    第二部分阐述劳动 争议 处理制度的缺失;

  • Special and Differential Treatment in Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes which is concerned with developing country members provide some favorable conditions for developing countries during their process of applying WTO dispute settlement mechanism .

    争端解决规则与程序谅解》中涉及发展中国家成员的特殊或差别 待遇为发展中国家运用WTO争端解决机制提供了一些有利条件。

  • Effectively reducing the masses of the economic burden of drug use improve patient satisfaction with medical treatment reduces the incidence of medical disputes . 4 .

    切实减轻了广大人民群众药品使用的经济负担、提高了患者 就医满意度、降低了医疗 纠纷发生率。

  • A Legal Analysis of the Abrogation of the Regulations on the Treatment of Enterprise Labor Disputes

    《企业劳动 争议 处理条例》存废的法理分析

  • The law on privacy and the apology this solution of the introduction of infringement certainly in the treatment of medical disputes to be widely used of course followed by some of the legal application and implementation issues will also emerge .

    这部法律对隐私权和赔礼道歉这种侵权解决方式的的引入,必将在医疗 纠纷 处理中得以广泛运用,当然随之而来的一些法律适用以及执行方面的问题也将浮现出来。

  • As a result having a correct understanding and treatment of disputes on betrothal gifts play an important role in the safeguarding of the legal rights and interests of the litigants the preventing of intensification of contradictions and the stability of the society .

    那么,正确认识并 处理好这些彩礼 纠纷,对于维护当事人的合法权益,防止矛盾激化,以及对社会的稳定具有重要作用。

  • The related concept of labor-disputes-resolution and their classification were analyzed in the first chapter Moreover the treatment of labor disputes in several ways were also analyzed .

    第一部分研究劳动争议处理的相关概念及分类,并分析我国劳动 争议 处理的几种方式。

  • However provisions in Tort Liability Act in the provisions are too general so the treatment of medical disputes always suited the Tort Liability Act . as principle while make reference to regulations in the relevant regulations .

    但由于《侵权责任法》中的规定过于笼统,所以医疗 纠纷 处理往往以《侵权责任法》为原则,并同时参考《条例》中的相关规定。

  • The Regulations on the Treatment of Enterprise Labor Disputes is not in line with the basic spirit and principles of Legislation Law and the related articles of The Constitution .

    《企业劳动 争议 处理条例》的存在不符合《立法法》的基本精神和宗旨,与《宪法》的相关规定相 冲突

  • Therefore to study national treatment of foreign investment and give appropriate national treatment to foreign investment is advantageous to solution of disputes between host countries and investors which turns to be very important for the development of our state economy .

    因此,对外资国民待遇问题进行研究,摆正对外资的态度,给予外资以适当的国民 待遇,有利于解决东道国与投资方 矛盾,这对我国经济可持续发展有着举足轻重的地位。

  • An impartial legal system shall be established to standardize the treatment of medical disputes .

    建立公正的法规体系,规范医疗 纠纷 处理