tricuspid stenosis

[traɪˈkʌspɪd stəˈnosɪs][traiˈkʌspid stiˈnəusis]


  • Conclusions Under TEE guidance by adjusting FW ring it is possible to eliminate or minimize TR without causing tricuspid stenosis .

    结论FW环在消除 同时,可避免形成 狭窄

  • While the chronic experiment included creating tricuspid stenosis to cause increase of right atrial pressure and hypertrophy of the right atrium and undergoing Fontan procedure then .

    慢性实验是在已有右房肥大、右房压增高的犬心建立房 手术模型。

  • Analysis of B - ultrasonic diagnosis of congenital fleshy tricuspid stenosis

    应用B超声诊断先天性肥厚性 幽门 狭窄 探讨

  • There were six patients with hypoplastic right ventricle including tricuspid atresia (ⅰ a type ) tricuspid stenosis pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum pulmonary stenosis and ventricular septum defect .

    其中包括三尖瓣闭锁(a型)、 狭窄、室间隔完整型肺动脉闭锁、肺动脉狭窄和室间隔缺损等合并右心发育不良6例;

  • Objective To investigate the relationship of tricuspid regurgitation and coronary artery stenosis .

    目的探讨 返流与冠状动脉 狭窄的关系。