treasury securities

[经] 国库证券

  • The market of treasury securities is the place where commercial banks and other corporations adjust their funds as well as Federal Reserve performs its monetary polices .

    国库券 市场是商业银行和其他企业调整其资金,联邦储蓄实施货币政策的市场。

  • American data shows that China held $ 768 billion in treasury securities as of March .

    根据美国的数据,中国3月份持有 7680亿美元的 美国联邦 债券

  • American interest rates would rise as China needed to buy fewer Treasury securities and prices at Wal-Mart would increase .

    当中国需要购买 较少 证券时美国的利率将会上升,并且沃尔玛的价格将上升。

  • In previous decades much sovereign wealth particularly from commodity booms was squandered or merely parked in low-yielding debt mostly US Treasury securities .

    过去几十年,大部分主权财富(尤其是来自大宗商品热潮的财富)不是被浪费掉了,就是投资于低收益率债券,主要是美国 国债

  • China was the single largest foreign holder of Treasury securities followed by Japan and Britain .

    中国是美国 国债最大的外国持有者,其次是日本和英国。

  • Maybe investors simply disagreed with S & P and viewed US Treasury securities as still being the asset with the lowest credit risk .

    或许投资者仅仅是不同意标普(s&p)的观点,仍认为美国 国债 产品是信用风险最低的资产。

  • The estimate of UK holdings was slashed to $ 272bn from $ 541bn which suggests that much of the strong foreign buying of Treasury securities over the past year has involved investors using London as a financial centre .

    美国财政部将英国的估计持有量从5410亿美元,大幅下调至2720亿美元。这表明,过去一年海外对 美国 国债的强劲购买,很大一部分涉及到将伦敦作为金融中心的投资者。

  • In the US banks have preferred to utilise the zero cost of money provided by the Fed to finance purchases of Treasury securities instead of supplying loans to households and small businesses .

    在美国,银行更愿意利用美联储提供的零息资金,为购买 美国 国债 融资,而不愿向家庭和小型企业发放贷款。

  • Investor proclivities to buy Treasury securities and dollars could finance the American deficits for a while .

    投资者购买 美国 国债和美元的倾向可能暂时会为美国赤字提供融资。

  • Further Treasury securities are seen today as the safest fixed-income assets in the world .

    此外, 美国 国债如今被视为世界上最安全的固定收益资产。

  • Large purchases of US Treasury securities came from investors in the UK Switzerland Japan and Caribbean banking sectors which are favoured by hedge funds .

    来自英国、瑞士、日本的投资者,以及对冲基金爱用的加勒比地区银行业,大量买入美国 国债

  • The Fed is taking on a serious risk in doing this because these assets that it takes on in exchange for Treasury securities could fail .

    美联储这样做很有风险,因为这些他们作为 国库 证券交换来的,资产可能是个烂摊子。

  • By law the excess revenue is invested in special treasury securities .

    根据 美国法律,超额收入将用于购买特别 国债

  • Many are still happily holding on to us dollar assets and US Treasury securities are still in great demand .

    许多人仍然乐于持有美元资产, 市场对美国 国库券的需求亦相当大。

  • Nor should it have surprised so many that demand for US Treasury securities rose and their yields fell .

    对美国 的需求上升、收益率 走低也不会让很多人感到意外。

  • Bonds issued by Lehman also lost value Tuesday pushing some of their interest yields to more than eight percentage points above comparable Treasury securities .

    雷曼兄弟所发行债券的价格周二也出现了下跌,这使其某些债券的收益率比同期 美国 国债高了八个百分点以上。

  • Indeed inflation expectations whether measured by consumer surveys surveys of professional forecasters or the difference between interest rates on non-indexed Treasury securities and Treasury indexed bonds all point to a sharp decline .

    实际上,通胀预期不管其衡量工具是消费者调查、专业预测师的调查,还是非指数连动的 国债 证券和指数连动国债债券之间的利差都指向大幅下滑。

  • Lower interest rates on US Treasury securities induce investors to seek higher yields elsewhere raising the prices of other assets abroad as well as in the US .

    美国 国债利率下降促使投资者前往其它地区寻求更高收益,提高了海外以及美国其它资产的价格。

  • It is bad news for Buffett who will get a big check next month & but faces reinvesting it at a time when short-term Treasury securities yield next to nothing .

    但对于巴菲特是个坏消息,虽然下个月他将能获得一大笔钱&但在短期 美国 国债收益率接近零的环境中,如何重新投资这笔钱是一大挑战。

  • The price gap between on-the-run and off-the-run treasury securities has been studied widely by international scholars .

    新券和旧 价格差异被国际学术界普遍关注和解释。

  • That is one reason why yields on Treasury securities fell over recent weeks .

    这正是近几周来 美国 国债收益率出现下降的原因之一。

  • CIC was set up in 2007 with the dual mandate of putting its funds to work abroad and earning higher returns than money sitting in US Treasury securities .

    成立于2007年的中投有两个宗旨&用所持资金进行海外投资和赚取高于美国 国债的回报。

  • In an action designed to improve the prospects for the economy the Fed has announced a programme to expand its holdings of intermediate and long-term Treasury securities .

    为了改善经济前景,美联储宣布了扩大中长期 国债持有量的计划。

  • But Safe has not fundamentally changed its strategy of allocating the bulk of its burgeoning foreign exchange reserves to US Treasury securities a western adviser familiar with Safe officials ' thinking told the FT.

    但一位熟悉外管局官员思路的西方顾问向英国《金融时报》表示,该机构并未从根本上改变其策略,即将不断膨胀的外汇储备中的大部分 投资于美国 国债

  • But experts say investors may also be more hopeful about the economy and looking for investments with higher returns than Treasury securities .

    但是专家表示,投资者可能对经济更加充满希望,并积极寻找比 美国 国债更高收益的投资。

  • Fed chairman Ben Bernanke referred to this latter episode in his famous Deflation speech of November 2002 . The rate-pegging policy finally collapsed he said because the money creation associated with buying Treasury securities was generating inflationary pressures .

    美联储主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)在2002年11月发表的著名通缩演讲中提到了后者:利率挂钩政策最终崩溃,因为与购买 美国 国债相关的货币创造产生了通胀压力。

  • Although an expansion of such purchases might provide additional support the effects of further asset purchases especially purchases of Treasury securities on the economy and on inflation expectations were uncertain the minutes said .

    会议纪要指出,虽然扩大国债购买可能为经济提供额外支持,但购买更多资产尤其是 美国 国债对经济和通胀预期存在不确定影响。

  • To do this the central bank will buy Treasury securities from dealers .

    中央银行将从经销商那里回购 国债