



  • During my lifetime I haven 't got around to much travelling .

    我一生中没怎么去 旅行过。

  • troupes of travelling actors .


  • It was travelling in the outside lane at 78mph .

    它正以78英里的 时速在快车道上疾驶。

  • He was a charming travelling companion .

    他是个讨人喜欢的 旅伴

  • Admittedly we can make the journey by train but there is no harm in our travelling by boat .

    乘车固可, 乘船亦无不可。

  • After travelling by train for three days we finally got home .


  • Not only is it just the job for travelling but it 's handy for groceries too .

    它不仅非常适合于 旅行,而且用来日常购物也很方便。

  • A lorry travelling south had a blow-out and crashed .


  • The lorry was travelling at 20mph in the slow lane

    卡车在慢车道上以20英里的时速 行驶

  • This great book is ideal for both the travelling supporter and the armchair fan .

    这本好书对于喜欢出门 旅行的人和足不出户的神游爱好者都是理想的选择。

  • We spent years travelling around in a rusty old van .

    我们多年来都 着一辆生锈的旧货车四处 旅行

  • I hate travelling by coach .

    我不喜欢 长途汽车。

  • She spent an unorthodox girlhood travelling with her father throughout Europe

    她童年的经历不同寻常,其间她和父亲 遍了欧洲。

  • David McNeil is travelling with the White House press corps .


  • It seemed to some observers that the English had a mania for travelling

    在某些观察家看来,英国人对 旅行似乎抱有一种狂热。

  • He has taken to travelling in an armour-plated car .

    他喜欢上了 装甲车。

  • Buses carry 30 per cent of those travelling by road

    公交车承载了公路交通 流量的30%。

  • Travelling at speeds of up to thirty five knots these hovercraft can easily outpace most boats

    这些气垫船 行驶速度最高可达35节,能够轻易地超过大多数船只。

  • I asked my travelling companion what he thought of the situation in Algeria .

    我问我的 驴友对阿尔及利亚的形势有什么看法。

  • One has to bear a little discomfort while travelling .


  • He prefers travelling on the Tube to riding in a limousine

    他更愿意 地铁 出行,不愿坐豪华轿车。

  • Oh dear ! The travelling bag has been left behind .

    唉呀! 旅行袋忘了拿了。

  • In spite of the travelling and the late night she did not feel tired .

    尽管 旅途 劳顿,而且睡得很晚,她并没觉得累。

  • All the travelling expenses will be borne by the host country .


  • When travelling on fast roads at night it is impossible to drive and navigate at the same time .

    晚上在高速路上 行驶时根本做不到边开车边找路。

  • I spent a lot of time in the early Eighties travelling between London and Bradford .

    八十年代初,我有很多时间 穿梭于伦敦和布拉德福德之间。

  • We 'll be travelling by car .

    我们将开车 旅行

  • I had been travelling at 150 kilometres an hour

    我一直以每小时150公里的 速度 行进

  • They have been travelling for two days and will need some time to acclimatise .

    他们在旅途中 奔波了两天,需要时间调整。

  • The only guarantee of having a cabin to oneself is by travelling first class

    只有 头等舱 旅行才能保证一个人独享一舱。