treating plant


  • This paper has recounted the origin characteristic mostly constituting actuality and advance in the technology of treating coke plant wastewater . Among the treatment of refractory organic wastewater which of preponderant bacterium has been discuss detailed .

    本文对焦化废水的来源、特点、主要组成、目前 处理技术现状等进行了较全面的综述,特别对优势菌处理 焦化废水技术进行了详细的论述。

  • Treating Asphalt Felt Plant Smoke by High Temperature Burning

    焚烧法 处理油毡 沥青烟气

  • Foaming in alkanolamine desulfurizing solution in the CO2 / H2S absorption column is often observed in the natural gas treating plant in Changqing oil fields .

    长庆油田天然气 净化 脱除天然气中CO2和H2S过程中,吸收塔内常出现脱硫溶液发泡现象。

  • It is introduced the flowsheet of A / O ~ 2 process treating coke plant wastewater and method of activated sludge accumulation in the start up of treatment system ; meanwhile it is also discussed the factors influencing nitrification and denitrification and control parameters in practical operation .

    介绍了 焦化废水 A/O2生物处理工艺的流程和开工调试中污泥培养驯化的方法,并讨论了影响硝化和反硝化工艺的因素及实际运行中控制的参数。

  • Competing adsorption from other ions and anions does not exist whatever samples is test such as distilled water artificial groundwater tap water and effluent of sewage treating plant .

    通过对去离子水、模拟水、自来水和 污水 实际水样的考察,发现水中其它常见离子不存在竞争吸附;

  • The results indicate that A. majus polyploid can be easily induced by treating the plant with colchicines of 0.1 % to 0.2 % for 12 ~ 36 h.

    结果表明,金鱼草多倍体诱导容易成功,01%~02%秋水仙素 处理12~36h均能成功地诱导出金鱼草 多倍体

  • In this paper it was studied in pilot-scale that the feasibility and of the novel biofilm anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic-aerobic system treating of coke plant wastewater and Technology Characteristics of Anoxic Reactor .

    本文在中试规模下研究了生物膜厌氧/缺氧/好氧/好氧工艺(A~2/O~2) 处理 焦化废水系统中缺氧反应器的工艺特性。

  • The article shows the technology process of treating tuber processing plant wastewater by the way of biology and carrier biochemical treatment .

    论述了生物载体生化法 处理橡胶 废水的工艺技术。

  • The results showed that in the treating year plant reproductive status reflected from number height and appearing rate of reproductive plants or branches flowering numbers and seeding conditions became worse with the increase of treating intensity and delayed cuttings .

    结果表明,在 处理年内, 通过生殖枝数量、高度、出现率、开花数、结实情况等表现出来的生殖活动状态基本上随刈割强度加大和刈割时间的推后而变差。

  • Unconverted oil from hydrocrackers can be treated in acetone-benzol dewaxing unit and clay treating plant to produce quality lube base oil .

    对加氢尾油通过酮苯 脱蜡、溶剂精制、石蜡发汗以及白土 精制生产润滑油基础油和石蜡进行研究及工业试生产。

  • The Purification and Optimize Design about Upland Natural Ditch with Urban Wastewater in Shibao Town glycol-amine gas treating plant

    石宝镇自然排水沟渠对生活污水的净化效果及其改造强化方案探讨天然气 净化和脱水用的乙二醇-胺 装置

  • The design of treating equipments of Zhanazhol Oil and gas treating new plant

    哈萨克斯坦扎那诺尔油气 处理原油处理装置设计

  • The complex surfactant and emulsifying technology were applied to improve the fluidity of the condensed floating sludge from the wastewater treating plant of refinery .

    采用表面活性剂复配和乳化技术,对炼油厂污水 处理 的浓缩浮渣的流动性进行了改进研究。

  • The technological measures in engineering design of this garbage treating plant including garbage sanitary burying project sewage treating project and compost treating project were described in detail .

    详细介绍了该 工程设计中采用的技术措施,包括 垃圾卫生填埋场工程、污水处理工程、堆肥处理工程。

  • Glycol-amine gas treating plant

    天然气 净化和脱水用的乙二醇-胺 装置

  • At the same time domestic media is just designed and applied in a BAF of 200 / d in Shengyang Fairy River wastewater treating plant and the technical performance of BAF in practical project is researched .

    在实验的同时,采用国产填料设计沈阳仙女河污水 处理 -20万吨/天的曝气生物滤池 装置,在实践中实现填料国产化,进一步研究曝气生物滤池工艺性能。

  • Result The facility worked well and the parameters such as energy consumption volume and weight met the design requirement . The water-treated quality and the ability of treating plant residual by microorganism were better than the demands .

    结果该装置系统运行稳定,其能耗、体积和重量满足设计要求,出水水质和微生物 处理能力好于设计要求,pH值和溶解氧浓度能自动 控制,O2能实现无泡供应。

  • Besides introduces the way that all rainwater inside cofferdam of new area and the initial potion of pollutant rainwater is introduced into waste water treating plant wherein it is treated for the rainwater from other area is introduced into interceptor wherein it is treated .

    介绍了新区采用 装置区围堰内全部雨水和 罐区初期污染雨水进 污水场处理,其它区域雨水利用雨水隔油池进行处理的方法。

  • Effect of Supplying Trace Metals on Performance of Anaerobic Filter Treating Simulated Coking Plant Wastewater

    微量金属对AF 处理模拟 焦化废水运行的影响

  • Treatment of Wastes in the Sour Natural Gas Treating Plant

    含硫天然气 处理 的废物处理

  • Experiment were carried out to study the performance and process of SBR treating gourmet powder plant wastewater .

    研究了间歇式活性污泥法 处理味精 工业废水的操作运作条件。实验结果表明:采用非限制曝气进水方式为宜;

  • Development of Biochemical Process for Treating Coke Plant Wastewater

    焦化废水生化 处理工艺进展

  • The technical reform engineering of sulfur recovery equipment has been evaluated by the correlation before and after the reform in the treating plant and by the analysis of operating cost after technical reform .

    通过对 净化 硫回收装置技术改造前后的对比,分析了技术改造后运转费用的情况,对硫回收装置技术改造工程进行了评价。

  • JMBF also had high turbidity and COD removal ratio when treating petrochemical plant wastewater mud river water metal coating waste water canny wastewater and domestic wastewater .

    石化 废水,含泥河水,喷漆废水,罐头厂废水,生活污水的浊度与COD的去除率均较高。

  • The effect of supplying trace metals of Fe Co Ni on the performance of lab scale upflow Anaerobic Filter ( AF ) treating simulated coking plant wastewater was studied in this paper .

    本文研究了投加微量金属元素对小试规模上流式厌氧滤池 处理模拟 焦化废水的影响。

  • The additive exerts no negative influence on the dehydration of heavy oils by the demulsifier used at the gathering / treating plant .

    该剂不影响现用破 乳剂的脱水 性能

  • The results show that PSAFC has a effect of treating water plant sewage better than that with PAC or PFC and it is really an excellent inorganic polymeric flocculating agent .

    结果表明 PSAFC水厂污水具有比PAC或PFC更好的处理效果,是性能优良的无机高分子絮凝剂。

  • Study on catalytic combustion technology for organic compound waste gas from effluent water treating plant in petrochemical complex

    石化污水 处理 有机废气催化燃烧处理技术的研究

  • Large plant area and high cost of the wastewater treating plant have already become banters in the development of environment protection and the occupation of large land area is contrary to the original intention of environment protection .

    污水 处理 占地面积大,投资高已成为限制环境保护事业发展的障碍之一,而大面积占用土地与环境保护的初衷也是相违背的。

  • Applied Research on Compound Biology and Wetland System Treating Rubber Processing Plant Wastewater

    复合生物湿地系统 治理橡胶 废水应用研究