Experimental Study on Modifying Treatment of Low-Oxidability Ladle Slags by Addition of Li_2O
Li2O对低氧化性钢 包渣改性 处理的实验研究
After experimenting the stoves through the LF refining and Calcium treatment the Ca element in ladle at primary stage of tundish casting is comparatively high Ca / Al reached 0.15 and Al2O3 in molten steel is fully denatured .
试验炉次经过LF精炼和钙 处理后,在 钢包和中间包浇注初期 钢水中Ca元素含量较高,Ca/Al达到0.15,钢水中的Al2O3应该得到了充分变性。
Quality adjustment of liquid steel for billet continuous casting with ANS-OB treatment in 100 t ladle
100吨 钢包ANS-OB 处理小方坯连铸钢水质量的调整
Three practical methods for spot judging quality of nodulizing treatment was introduced including : judging according to the tongue of flame appearing in ladle or its spout .
包 内、 包口火苗 法, 铁 液表 面膜法和三角试片 法是炉前判断球化质量的实用方法。
Improvement of Desulfurization Degree of Basic Oxygen Furnace Steel by Means of Treatment with Solid Slag Mixtures in Ladle
在 钢包中利用固体混合造渣 剂改进碱性氧气 顶吹转炉钢水脱硫率
美[ˈtritmənt ˈledl:]英[ˈtri:tmənt ˈleɪdl]
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