EXIT analysis of two kinds of concatenated space time trellis code schemes
两种级联空时 格 码方案的EXIT分析
We present a transmission scheme of concatenating multiple symbols trellis code ( MTCM ) with differential space time block coding and study performance of the system under slowly time varing flat rayleigh fading with ideal interleaver .
我们提出了一种多符号 网格 码(MTCM)与差分空时分组码级连的传输方法,研究了在传输信道是慢时变平坦瑞利衰变的条件下,并采用理想交织时系统的性能。
Three specific types of encoding schemes for MIMO system such as Space-Time Layered code Space-Time Trellis Code and Space-Time Block Coding are analyzed in this paper and the performance simulation results of those three types are presented for performance compare .
文中分析了三种具体的编码方案:空时分层码,空时 格 码和空时分组码,并对其性能进行了模拟比较。
Soft decision Adaptive Decoding of Space time Trellis Code Based on Bi directional Per survivor Processing
基于双向逐幸存路径处理的空时 格 形 码软判决自适应解码
After the development of the DSP & VLSI and the appearance of the technologies including Trellis Code Soft Decision etc O FDM was preliminary applied practically .
随着DSP芯片技术、VLSI器件的发展, 格栅 编码技术、软判决技术、 信道 自适应技术等的出现,OFDM技术开始向实际应用转化。
Research on the Parallel Concatenated Space Time Trellis Code in Conjunction with Hybrid ARQ
并行级联空时 格 码与hybridARQ联合纠错研究
On the Method of Decoding the Trellis code
格 状 编码的译码方法的研究
This paper introduces the MIMO system and the responding arithmetic D_BLAST & V_BLAST the space-time trellis code and space time block code as well as the responding coding and decoding technology .
介绍了MIMO系统及其DBLAST和VBLAST算法,并分别介绍了空时 格 码和空时分组码及其编码和解码方法。
This paper combines space-time trellis code based on space diversity with OFDM technique and constructs an model based on space-time trellis code and OFDM technique .
将OFDM技术与基于发射分集的空时 格 码相结合,构造了一个基于空时格码的OFDM模型。
Adaptive Trellis Code Quadrature Amplitude Modulation for Multi-Antenna Correlation Channels
基于多天线相关信道的自适应 格 形 编码QAM调制研究
STC technology can divide into : Layered space-time coding ( LSTC ) space-time trellis code modulation ( ST-TCM ) Unitary space-time coding ( USTC ) differential space-time coding ( DSTC ) .
空时编码分为:分层空时编码、空时 格型 编码和酉空时编码、差分空时编码。
The Solution Scheme of Space-Time Trellis Code for WCDMA
网格空时 码在WCDMA中的解决方案
Based on the modulation format and direct-detection of optical signal we develop a distance metric between codeword paths and then give the trellis code design method .
根据所采用的调制格式和光信号检测方式的特点,本文导出了码字路径间的一种距离量度,并以之作为 TCM设计的基础,给出了 相应的设计方法及实例。
A Concatenated Differential Space Time Block Code with Multiple Symbols Trellis Code
一种多符号 网格 码与差分空时分组码级连方法
Space-time trellis code combining space diversity with code and modulation can improve efficiency and reliability of communication system in wireless channel efficiently .
发射端分集、编码和调制结合空时 格 码,可以有效地提高信号在无线衰落信道中传输的有效性和可靠性;
Under the preset BER requirement the adaptive design criteria of trellis code quadrature amplitude modulation ( QAM ) are achieved .
在满足系统预设可靠性要求下,获得自适应 格 形 编码正交幅度调制(QAM)设计准则。
A New Soft-Decision Adaptive Decoding Algorithm for Space-Time Trellis Code
一种新的空时 格 形 码软判决自适应解码算法
Compared with the space-time trellis code ( STTC ) the Pre-coding STBC has lower complexity without performance deterioration .
与 网格空时码相比,预编 码STBC在不损失性能的同时具有更低的编译码复杂度。
The major points of this thesis are to research the space-time trellis code ( STTC ) techniques and the space-time turbo code techniques .
本文研究的重点是空时编码技术中的空时 网格 码(STTC)技术和空时turbo码技术。
Performance Analysis of Trellis Code MQAM Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Multiple Access System
网格 编码MQAM直扩多址系统的性能分析
The other includes space time block code and space time trellis code which are based on transmit diversity .
二是基于发射分集的空时分组码和空时 格 码。
An Analog Decoder Realized by CMOS Circuits for ( 5 ) Trellis Code
一种(5) 网格 码CMOS电路模拟译码器
The second chapter discusses the principle of the Space-Time Code ( STC ) and simulates the BER of the Space-Time Block Code and the Space-Time Trellis Code in the pseudo-static Rayleigh fading channel .
第二章讨论空时码的原理,并且对准静态瑞利衰落信道上的空时分组码和空时 网格 码进行了误码率的仿真,与单天线的性能进行了对比。
On the bases of these modules and the MAP algorithm a soft decision probability decoder of the ( 5 ) trellis code is implemented and a novel pipelining serial input interface for the decoder is proposed .
根据这些单元电路,基于最大后验概率算法(MAP),实现了(5) 格 码软判决译码的概率解码器.在解码器的输入部分设计了新型的具有流水线结构的串行输入接口。
Space-Time Trellis Code combines the coding and modulation by inheriting the ideas of convolution code and trellis code .
而空时 格 码则继承了卷积码和网格编码的思想,将编码和调制结合在一起考虑。
A new soft decision adaptive decoding algorithm for space time trellis code ( STTC ) is proposed .
本文提出一种针对空时 格形 码的软判决自适应双向解码算法。
This paper designs the scheme that is used for digital HDTV terrestrial transmission consisting of a trellis code and a Reed - Solomon code . We simulate the scheme with computer .
设计一种用于HDTV地面数字传输系统的 级 连 格 状 编码和RS码方案,并对其在HDTV中应用进行计算机模拟。
While dealing with the main principle of trellis code this paper presents a new scheme to implement the digital power line carrier transmission system with TCM technology .
在介绍 TCM的基本原理的基础上,给出了一种利用TCM技术实现全数字载波机系统的新方案。
In the practical dirty paper coding scheme based on the better channel coding we first studied the trellis code modulation and the turbo trellis code modulation .
在基于优化信道编码的脏纸编码实用化方案方向上,我们首先研究了 网格 编码调制(TCM)的原理以及网格编码调制中的集分割映射理论。
The problem of adaptive decoding of space time trellis code ( STTC ) on the mobile wireless channels is considered in this paper .
本文探讨了无线移动信道中空时 格形 码的一种自适应解码技术。
美[ˈtrɛlɪs kod]英[ˈtrelis kəud]