traverse tree

[trəˈvɚs tri][ˈtrævəs tri:]

[计] 遍历树

  • You can traverse the document tree prune nodes or graft on new ones .

    您可以 遍历文档 、删除节点或者嫁接新节点。

  • The program as written simply looks at the root hub for available USB devices but it would be easy to improve it to traverse the whole USB tree .

    这个程序编写为只是查看roothub上可用的USB设备,但是很容易将它改为 遍历整个USB

  • Imagine a scenario in which you want to traverse a directory tree recursively stopping at each file and directory under that tree and having your own callback methods invoked for each entry found .

    设想一个场景,您想要 递归 访问一个目录 ,在该树中的每个文件及目录上停下来,并为每个查找到的条目调用您自己的回调方法。

  • According to the complex topography especially mountain area this paper adopted the new traverse in a hydroelectric engineering which avoid the tree to chop down and insure orientation to see good .

    结合山岭重丘地区的一水电工程,根据其特殊的地形条件,采用了新型的 导线 布网 形式,避免了 树木的大量砍伐,确保通视良好;

  • The generation of control flow graph is according to preorder traverse of the syntax tree .

    控制流图的生成是通过对构件语法 进行先序 遍历完成的。

  • The method gets a data structure for storing static Huffman coding by preordering traverse Huffman binary tree and recording the course of traverse .

    该方法通过先序 遍历哈夫曼 ,记录遍历过程,得到存储哈夫曼码表的一种数据结构。

  • As feasible solution sets of this problem can be organized as a tree structure we use Best-First search strategy ( BF ) to traverse the tree for which we propose an effective heuristic rule called k steps exploration .

    将问题的解空间组织成树型结构,利用启发式规则 &k步探测法对结点的可能分支进行评估,采用最佳优先策略搜索解空间

  • Their deletion and insertion which involve from those of R-Tree have to traverse the tree for several times resulting in the worst performace in frequent updates .

    这两个索引结构的插入、删除操作在执行过程中需要对索引结构进行多次代价颇高的 遍历操作,这就导致了在频繁更新中较差的性能表现。

  • This will traverse the tree ( in logarithmic time ) and find the closest to the root node 's summation of studio movies .

    这个 调用将(以对数时间) 遍历 ,查找最靠近树根节点的电影公司电影汇总。

  • In this way carrying out repetitious simulation with different parameters values only need traverse widely the minimum solving tree of the altering parameters set and simultaneously calling corresponding solving blocks .

    因此,对变动参数集的不同参数值进行重复仿真只需 层次 遍历最小求解 ,再调用相应的求解块即可。

  • The paper use depth-first search algorithm to recursively traverse every node of the DOM Tree to determine whether the node contains the information that we are interested in .

    然后设计了一种深度优先的搜索算法去递归地 遍历 生成的DOM 的每一结点,判断该节点是否包含我们感兴趣的信息。

  • Two Recursive Functions to Traverse the Directory Tree in C

    递归 遍历目录 的两个C函数

  • In this step you will traverse the source file system tree .

    在这个步骤中,您将 遍历源文件系统

  • Build and Traverse of Abstract Syntax Tree Based on Java Program

    基于Java语言的抽象语法 的创建与 遍历

  • First produce key with RSA and construct a binary tree then traverse the binary tree to produce new keys . And there must be a certain key to encrypt data with all the other encoding methods .

    即先用RSA方法加密密钥矩阵,然后用二叉 遍历产生的不同密钥数据矩阵对数据进行加密。

  • One approach to pre-build the Java objects in memory is to traverse through the tree through reflection and to recursively resolve the contained complex types .

    在内存中“预构建”Java对象的一种方法是通过反射在 移动,递归地解析包含的复杂类型。

  • As we traverse the tree changes are local to the current focal node meaning all constant-time operations except for up .

    遍历 时,更改是在当前关注节点的本地做出的,也就是说除了向上移动之外,所有操作都是常量时间的。

  • This has many advantages but it can be laborious to programmatically traverse a tree to extract data from the XML document .

    这个方法有许多优点,但是不利于以编程的方式 遍历 来从XML文档中提取数据。

  • The CPU cost to traverse each index tree searching one page at each level to find where the new entry must be stored ( index entries are always stored in key sequence );

    遍历每个索引 ,在 的每一层搜索一个页,以确定新条目必须存储在哪里(索引条目总是按键顺序存储的),这一过程所引起的CPU开销;

  • Rather than traverse the tree you will use the Search capability of the Java development tools ( JDT ) to identify the used classes .

    您不是 倒转 树形 结构,而是使用Java开发工具(JDT)的搜索功能以识别使用的类。

  • From this root node you can traverse the entire XML tree .

    从这个根节点,就可以 遍历整个XML

  • Functions are defined which let you traverse the resulting tree any way you like access element and attribute values insert and delete nodes and convert the tree back into XML .

    定义的函数允许随意 遍历结果 ,访问元素和属性值,插入和删除节点,以及将树转换回XML。

  • On the other hand if you use a method such as compareDocumentPosition and defer to the implementation to traverse the tree for you you 're guaranteed to always use the best way to do so .

    另一方面,如果使用像compareDocumentPosition这样的方法并根据实现情况来 遍历 ,那么就可以保证总是使用最好的方法完成这项工作。