trust investment

[trʌst ɪnˈvɛstmənt][trʌst inˈvestmənt]


  • Finally this paper gives a deep analysis of the risks returns of trust investment of insurance capital and points out the potential problems of trust investment of insurance capital and gives some suggestions of the problems and draws a conclusion .

    最后,对保险资金 信托 运用的风险、收益进行了分析,指出了保险资金 信托运用存在的问题并给出了建议,最终给出了结论。

  • It successfully launched a number of collective trust investment programs .

    成功推介了多个集合 资金 信托计划。

  • The Analysis of Trust Investment of Insurance Capital

    保险资金的 信托运用分析

  • Innovation of Investing Financing Models in Developing Urban Environment Infrastructure The Industry Trust Investment Funds

    对我国企业集团筹资模式的思考城市环境基础设施投融资创新&产业 信托 投资模式

  • China Agricultural Development and Trust Investment Corporatio

    中国农村发展 信托 投资公司

  • After five reorganizations the trust industry has standard developed gradually the trust investment company have the management superiority the organization superiority and the talent superiority to manage the state-owned property .

    我国的信托业经过五次整顿,信托业发展逐渐规范化,且 信托 投资公司管理国有资产具有管理优势、机构优势和人才优势。

  • Legal Analysis on Trust Investment

    委托 理财法律问题研究

  • The bank is engaged in trust investment and stock business or invests in fixed assets of non-self use within the country ;

    在境内从事 信托 投资和股票业务或者投资于非自用不动产的;

  • Criticisms of present situations of contractual type investment trust investment trust and suggestions of relative legislation in our country is the main contents in Part Four .

    第四部分主要检讨了我国大陆契约型投资 信托在立法和运作方面的现状,并提出了关于我国大陆契约型 投资信托的立法构想。

  • The research on the duty of trust investment institutions originate from the development of trust relationship and trust culture .

    信托 投资机构信托义务的研究源自信托关系和信托文化的发展。

  • Strategy Analysis of Developing Trust Investment

    发展 信托 投资的对策分析

  • Because of the specific character of domestic trust investment companies this paper digest the risks the trust investment companies facing and design the risk warning index system for trust investment company management .

    由于 信托 投资公司所面临风险的独特性,本文系统的研究了信托投资公司所面临的风险并设计了针对信托投资公司风险管理的系统的风险预警指标体系。

  • The thesis discusses the main contents and characteristics of the Management Regulation on Trust Investment Company .

    论述了《 信托 投资公司管理办法》的主要内容及特点。

  • The fund managers also can entrust councils of social security fund to deliver the pension insurance fund to the trust investment companies .

    各地的社保经办机构也可以将基金委托给社保基金理事会,由其选择 信托公司进行 投资运营。

  • In order to reduce the bank 's credit risk and solve the problem of financing of real estate this paper accounts for the feasibility of developing energetically real estate trust investment .

    阐明为了减少银行信用风险,解决房地产融资问题,大力发展房地产 信托 投资的可行性;

  • The realignment of enterprises ' debts assets and the trust investment companies ' participation in

    论企业债务与资产重组及 信托 投资公司之参与

  • The paper makes an analysis on feasibility and reality of urban environmental infrastructure in using industry trust investment and makes a structure design on trust investment program of environmental infrastructure .

    本文分析了利用产业 信托 投资城市环境基础设施的可行性和现实性,并做出一个环境基础设施信托投资方案的结构设计。

  • In section 4 trying to establish a risks early warning system in trust investment fund offers means of risk management in order to help decision-making to improve ability of risks control .

    第四章试图通过建立 证券 投资基金风险预警系统,给决策层提供一个风险管理的手段和工具,以提高基金公司风险控制能力。

  • The duties of trust investment institutions are set by the clients the trust investment institutions and the beneficiaries . The main objects of the operation are including general property investment funds the vote right and the state-owned assets .

    对于 信托 投资机构信托义务的设定,主要是由委托人、信托投资机构、受益人三方主体共同建立的,而它的营运客体则主要包括一般财产、投资基金、表决权、国有资产等。

  • We should revise the standard corporate governance theory according to these particularities and construct the theory and frame which are applicable to corporate governance of trust investment companies .

    我们应根据这些特殊性对标准的公司治理理论进行修正,构建真正适应 信托 投资公司治理的理论及框架。

  • Application of Computer in Stock Investment Audit of Trust Investment Corporations

    计算机在 信托 投资公司股票投资审计中的应用

  • The author analyzes three more potential method of financing in the future real estate trust investment real estate-backed securitization and drawing foreign capital .

    本文分析了未来有较大发展潜力的三种融资渠道&房地产 信托 投资、房地产证券化、吸引外资注入。

  • The Trust Investment Judgment Rule makes good business sense creates the subjective standard of care with subjective orientation and provides the legal basis for the operation of the investment funds .

    信托 投资判断规则创造了良好的商业理念,以主观定向思维产生了主观性考查标准,为投资基金的市场运作提供了法律条件。

  • The Research on Comprehensive Evaluation Method Based on Brand Marketing Execution System of Domestic Trust Investment Company

    我国 信托 投资公司品牌营销实施系统综合评价研究

  • Therefore investor should analyze the yield rate and risk of collective trust investment schemes carefully .

    因此,投资者 投资 资金 信托产品,需要审慎分析资金 信托产品 投资的风险和收益。

  • The only thing on which companies and investors seem able to agree about initial public offerings is not to trust investment banks .

    说到首次公开发行(ipo),上市公司和投资者能够想到一处的,似乎只有“不要 相信 投资银行”。

  • In our country trust company is specifically a trustee business and it is a non-bank financial institutions . It has similarities and differences with the trust companies trust investment companies and fund .

    在我国,信托公司是专门担任营业受托人的非银行金融机构,它与信托机构、 信托 投资公司、基金公司之间既有联系又存在差别。

  • How to well manage and control the complicated risks is critical problem that the domestic trust investment companies encounter during the period of further developing .

    如何对日益复杂的风险进行良好的管理和控制是我国 基金 投资公司进一步发展面临的重大问题。

  • Compared with real estate trust investment plan MBS and real estate stocks REITs have their own unique advantages .

    与房地产 信托 投资计划、房地产抵押支持证券(MBS)以及房地产股票相比,REITs具有自己的独特优势。