


  • Set forth the legal relations between investors investment company and banks respectively acting as beneficiary trustor and trustee and the legal status of the three parties by graph .

    以图示的方法阐明投资者,投资公司以及银行等机构分别作为受益人、 委托 和受托人的法律地位及各主体之间的法律关系。

  • The trustor or its heritor .

    委托 或者其继承人。

  • The trustor people 's court may request the higher-level people 's court of the entrusted people 's court to order the latter to perform the execution .


  • The trustor may be the national tax authorities taxpayer or withholding agent . The accepter of a commission ( or a unit or an individual ) refers to the agency or agent .

    税务代理业是一项受托代理 业务委托 是国家税务机关、纳税人和扣缴义务人;接受委托的(即受托单位和个人)是代理机构和代理人员。

  • Trust is a kind of legal relation concerning transference and management of trust property between trustor .

    信托 委托 受托 受益人之间所 的一种 信托财产之移转与管理为 中心的法律关系。

  • If such sale was effected without consent by the trustor and the trustee-trader made up the deficiency on its own it is binding on the trustor .

    未经 委托 同意,行纪人补偿其差额的,该买卖对委托人发生效力。

  • Where the trustor gives special pricing instruction the trustee-trader may not make any sale or purchase in contravention thereof . Dealer is also used of someone who buys and sells illegally dealer

    委托 对价格有特别指示的, 行纪人不得违背该指示卖出或者买入。还可指做非法买卖者

  • Subject in the Testamentary Trust means trustor trustee and beneficiary of the Testamentary Trust and object means the estate of Testamentary Trust .

    遗嘱信托中的主体指遗嘱信托的 委托 、受托人及受益人,遗嘱信托中的客体主要指遗嘱信托财产。

  • Where the trustee-trader sold the trust item above or purchased the trust item below the price designated by the trustor the remuneration may be increased in accordance with the contract .

    行纪人高于委托人指定的价格卖出或者低于委托 指定的价格买入的,可以按照约定增加报酬。

  • Where the third person failed to perform its obligations thereby causing damage to the trustor the trustee-trader shall be liable for damages except otherwise agreed by the trustee-trader and the trustor .

    第三人不履行义务致使 委托 受到损害的,行纪人应当承担损害赔偿责任,但行纪人与委托人另有约定的除外。

  • The liabilities of the former trustee of the matters listed in the report shall be relieved after the report mentioned in the above paragraph is recognized by the trustor or the beneficiary except that the former trustee did unreasonable conducts .

    前款报告 经委 托人或者受益人认可,原受托人就报告中所列事项解除责任。但原受托人有不正当行为的除外。

  • The trustor may be the beneficiary and may also be the only beneficiary of the same trust .

    委托 可以是受益人,也可以是同一信托的唯一受益人。

  • Trustee shall give all discounts to trustor .

    受托方应把 国外折扣全部 让给 委托

  • The trustor as used in the present Regulations refers to the organization or individual that commissions the broker to provide brokering services for it pursuant to the present Regulations .

    本条例所 委托 ,是指依照本条例的规定,委托经纪人为其提供经纪服务的组织或者个人。

  • If the execution is not completed within 30 days the entrusted people 's court shall write the trustor people 's court to keep the latter informed about the progress of the execution .

    在三十日内如果还未执行完毕,也应当将执行情况 函告 委托人民法院。

  • You should not assume any related credit risk for the trustor or do so in a disguised form for launching this business .

    你行开办此项业务不得承担或变相承担 委托 的相关信贷风险。

  • The trustee ensure that the mould can produce products Otherwise the trustor shall have the right to request compensation for all mould cost .

    受托 保证委托 完好,否则 委托 有权就模具费全额向受托人索赔。

  • The settlor also known as the grantor or trustor is the person who creates the trust and transfers trust property .

    财产授予人,也被称为让与人或 委托 ,是谁创造的人的信任和转让的信托财产。

  • The relative parties include trustor trustee and beneficiary their qualification right and obligation will be introduced respectively in order to confirm all the contents related to the subject of Testamentary trust .

    遗嘱信托的关系人主要包括 委托 、受托人和受益人,笔者分别对其资格和权利义务进行介绍,旨在确定与遗嘱信托主体相关的各项内容。

  • On the Trustor and Its Legal Status in the Trust Relations

    委托 及其在信托关系中的法律地位

  • An asset trustor shall ensure lawful sources of its funds and not damage national interests public interests or legitimate rights and interests of others .

    资产 委托 应当确保资金来源合法,不得损害国家、社会公共利益和他人合法权益。

  • Once signed by the Trustor it will be deemed that he has understood the clauses on the back and the two parties agree to carry out them .

    委托 单位的签字表明已看过并理解 委托书背面条款,双方同意履行。

  • The trustee must return the drawings provided by the trustor after the completion of the manufacture of mould .

    模具制造完毕后,受托人必须归还 所有 委托 提供的图纸。

  • The trustee can not refuse the trustor to check the progress of mould manufacturing quality and test in the process of manufacture .

    在模具制造过程中模具模具, 委托 有权 随时检查制造进度、质量标准模具模具模具,并 提取试验。

  • The trustor refers to all the investors .

    委托 指全体投资者。

  • This article proceed from information game to analyse the information flow in enterprise and the incentive relation between trustor and agent .

    本文从信息博弈角度出发,分析信息在企业内流动与企业 委托 与代理人的激励关系。