Instead try doing something about the problem .
相反, 要 试 着 去 做一些事情来解决问题。
Try doing a few simple things your inner baboon would never even consider .
试 着 做一些简单的、你的那个内心的’狒狒‘甚至根本不会去考虑的事。
Try doing a cut and paste by moving the cursor to the second line and press the d key twice .
您 可以 尝试 进行剪切和粘贴操作,将光标移动到第二行,按两次d键。
Why not try doing the maths problem in other ways ?
为什么不 试 试用别的办法 做这道数学题呢?
Fish are so soft . You can stick your finger through their muscles he says . Try doing that with a chicken or cow .
鱼类相当柔软,你可以用手指直穿它们的肌肉,他说: 你 再 拿块鸡肉或者牛肉 试试,肯定不行。
Try doing the stretching exercise mentioned above first and leave the phone till later .
先 做做上述提到的伸展运动,之后再看手机。
There was a problem removing a folder from a quick sync profile . You may want to try doing this manually .
从快速同步配置文件中删除文件夹出错。 试 着手动删除它。
Now that this means failed why not try doing it in another way ?
她 试 着 读点书,可是那并不能使她忘却烦恼。
Let 's try doing the working in some other way .
我们用别的方法 做这工作 试试。
You should also try doing something only for yourself something totally selfish .
你也 应该 做一些专门为自己做的事,完全是为你自己的。
Try doing it in another way .
请 试用另一种方法 做。
If cooking and cleaning seem like boring chores to you try doing them as a form of meditation .
如果烹饪和清洁对你来说似乎烦琐的杂务, 试 着 用冥想的方式 来 完成它们。
You ever try doing a windmill ?
你 试 过转大风车吗?
Can you try doing it again ?
你能 再试 着 做一次吗?
Why not try doing it some other way ?
何不用其他办法 试一试?
If you don 't like to lift weights try doing some primal workouts where you flip logs and jump through tires .
假如你不喜欢举重, 试 着 去 做一些基本的健身活动使自己得到放松。
I want you know that we are willing to try doing it better .
我想让你知道我们很乐意去 尝试 把 事情 做得更好。
You 'd better try doing the experiment in another way .
你最好 试 试用另一种办法 做这个试验。
If you can 't work out the math problem in this way why not try doing it in another way .
如果用这种方法你解不出这道数学难题,为什么不 试 着换一种方式呢?
But you could easily try doing something very similar yourself .
但是,你却可以很轻松地自己 去 做类似的一些事情。
If youre at the beach try doing the usual yoga routine on the sand instead of indoors .
如果你在海边, 试试在沙滩上而不是室内 做常规的瑜伽动作。
If a file was renamed in the origin try doing the same rename in the target .
如果源的文件被重命名了, 那就 试 着在目标 里面同样的重命名文件。
Anytime I try doing home improvements around the house .
每次我 想要 修葺房子的时候。
Try doing that a few times a day and you 'll have a face like a baby 's bottom in no time .
尝试天天 这样 做几次,你就会有一个初生婴儿般的脸。
Try doing a double-jump .
试 着 跳一个双摇。
So try doing nothing at all .
所以 试 着什么都不 做。
If you struggle with making running a regular habit try doing it every single day at the same time .
如果你想把跑步当成一个日常的习惯, 建议 你 在每天的同一时间进行 锻炼。
If you really have to try doing it during your lunch time .
如果你真的 想上,在午休的 时候上。
Be thoughtful and try doing something sweet for no apparent reason .
考虑要周到,在没有明显什么原因地 时候 去 尝试一些甜蜜的东西。
Try doing different exercises or cutting back on certain types of foods that you may be eating too much of .
美[traɪ ˈduɪŋ]英[trai ˈdu:ɪŋ]