true homing


  • The torpedo wake homing system and the optical characteristics of true wake are presented and some optical characteristics usable for the wake homing of torpedo are discussed .

    介绍了尾流 自导鱼雷特点,研究了 真实尾流的光学特性,提出了用于鱼雷尾流自导可能的光学特征。

  • To offer the true to nature target-background images used in the simulation system for homing weapons a visual-light optical target simulator based on the liquid crystal on silicon ( LCOS ) technology is established .

    为了产生 制导武器仿真系统中所需的 逼真的目标背景图像,建立了基于硅基液晶显示技术的可见光光学目标模拟器。