triethyl orthoformate

[化] 原甲酸三乙酯

  • Solid-liquid phase transfer catalyzed synthesis of triethyl orthoformate

    固-液相转移催化合成 甲酸 乙酯

  • This article describes the general status of develop on product and market of triethyl orthoformate in domestic and analysis the status of research and development as a new product for chlor - alkali enterprise .

    介绍了 甲酸 乙酯的生产技术及市场发展概况, 结合目前市场情况分析了该产品作为氯碱企业新产品开发的形势。

  • Reaction of 2 2-Pentamethylene-1 with Triethyl Orthoformate and Urea Derivatives

    2,2-亚戊基-1,3-二氧 46-二酮与 甲酸 乙酯和脲素衍生物的反应

  • Production technology and market status of triethyl orthoformate

    甲酸 乙酯的生产技术与市场状况

  • Leflunomide a new antirheumatoid arthritis drug was synthesized from the starting material ethyl acetoacetate triethyl orthoformate acetic anhydride etc. Synthesis of acetoacetate esters using a new catalyst & triethylamine

    以乙酸乙酯、 甲酸 乙酯、乙酸酐等为起始原料经缩合、环化等五步反应合成了新型免疫调节抑制剂抗类风湿性关节炎新药来氟米特.用新型催化剂三乙胺合成乙酰乙酸酯