trick up

[trɪk ʌp][trik ʌp]


  • Is there a trick to getting this window to stay up ?

    有没有 窍门能让窗户保持 拉起着?

  • She think the old man have some clever trick up his sleeve .

    她想这老人自有 锦囊妙计

  • He has another clever trick up his sleeve .

    他还有另一个 绝妙的主意。

  • For the sake of commercial interests some of movie title translations make a trick giving up principles to cater to the audience so that the translation has nothing to do with the content of the film .

    为了商业利益,一些电影标题翻译故设 陷阱放弃原则来迎合观众,这样就导致电影标题翻译与电影内容完全不相关。

  • The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up .

    从井里出来的 窍门就是把身上的土抖落下来并拿它 垫脚。

  • One trick that has served us well in cleaning up drop-down lists is to combine three different features to prevent unnecessary lookups .

    一个很好用的 清理下拉列表的 技巧是:将三种不同的特性结合使用以防止执行不必要的查找。

  • However unbeknownst to the poor red seeker the black robot had a trick up its sleeve .

    不过,在可怜的红色的机器人不知情的情况下,黑色机器人暗藏 玄机

  • Zsh has a further trick up its sleeve with respect to completion .

    zsh在完成功能方面 了进一步的优化。

  • Of course you could try to use the same trick as there say maybe we want to go up up up .

    当然,你也可以尝试用之前的 方法,我们想要 上走。

  • It is not just a little trick you can pick up in half an hour .

    这不是你半个小时就能学会的 小窍门

  • The king shrieks the icicles fall off his nose-a standard trick Natalie has worked up .

    国王尖声叫了 起来,冰柱从他的鼻子上落下&这是娜塔丽创造出的一个精彩的 把戏

  • In this trick I 'll offer up a few other methods to collect important information from the system you may need to verify troubleshoot or give to remote support .

    在这个 技巧中,我将介绍几个其他方法,用于从需要进行验证、故障诊断或给予远程支持的系统收集重要信息。

  • The kite should enter the trick by flying straight up generally near the top of the window .

    风筝由笔直 开始 动作,通常动作在接近风窗顶部开始。

  • His attitude makes me think he has some clever trick up his sleeve .

    他的神态使我感到他自有 锦囊妙计

  • The trick will be to do that without paralysing the institutions being set up to deal with euro crises .

    在为处理欧元区债务危机而 设立的金融机构正常 运作的条件下,计划才能顺利展开。

  • To see what trick Han Jia has up her sleeve !

    看看 佳的葫芦 卖的什么药。

  • Unless the government has a last trick up its sleeve then the most likely winners will be nationalist and populist parties & not what the EU wants .

    除非政府还能 拿出什么显示政绩的 把戏,不然塞尔维亚下一届大选的赢家,多半就是爱国主义或民粹主义的政党&这是欧盟不想要的。

  • In fact lip gloss is something that could just do the trick for you anytime in the summer when the sun is up and your look will be complete .

    实际上,唇彩是在夏天任何时候能 达到 效果的化妆品,当太阳 升起,你的面容就会变得完美。

  • In my mind I 'm still a cutting-edge producer with more than one half-assed trick up my sleeve .

    “我觉得,我仍是一个前卫的制作人, 深藏不露的拙伎还多着呢。”

  • In this case a redirected restore operation won 't do the trick because you can 't usually back up a database on one operating system and restore it on another operating system .

    在这种情况中,重定向操作通常就无用 之地了,因为我们通常都不能在一个操作系统上 备份一个数据库,然后将其恢复到另外一个操作系统上。

  • D : You mean that if I think about holding my hands over a campfire GetWord ( campfire ); or something like that I can trick my body into making the blood flow and actually warming up your hands .

    D:你的意思是,如果我想象自己把手放在篝火旁或类似的做法,我就可以 身体里的血液流动,这样就可以暖手

  • What 's the trick of getting this chair to fold up ?

    把椅子折 起来 窍门是什么。

  • However Tony has a trick up his sleeve and reveals that Justin sensing the potential for great wealth and power has been secretly working on his own suit .

    然而斯塔克自有 妙计,他透露:汉默因为看到了其中潜在的巨额财富和威力,也正在秘密研制自己的钢铁战衣。

  • The trick is to move up and down from the general to the specific to provide different vantage point .

    策略是从一般 特殊反复转换,可提供不同的制高点。

  • I don 't know if the pros use this trick but the skater 's that live around me and so do I.Set up like a pop-shove .

    我不知道职业滑手们会不会经常练这个,但我身边的很多人都 这个 动作,我也一样。