zone setting

[计] 区域设置

  • Combined with previous data different segment magmatic activities in the Tan-Lu fault zone have a relatively long duration and a later terminal time and indicate an intensively extensional tectonic setting .

    综合目前已有的华北克拉通晚中生代岩浆岩资料来看,郯 断裂 各部位的岩浆活动持续时间最长、结束时间最晚,且岩浆活动指示的往往是更为强烈的伸展构造 背景

  • At last Article make Chongqing huaxi characteristic industrial zone which should how to set up competition advantage a case to explain the thoughts of setting up competition advantage in industrial zone concretely .

    最后,文章对重庆花溪特色工业 园区应如何建立竞争优势作了案例设计,具体阐述了工业园区应怎样 建立竞争优势的思路。

  • Thixotropic cement is a cement slurry system used for cementing operation suited to the loose formation with small fracture pressure gradient and thief zone and it has a certain effectiveness in preventing the breakthrough of gas in the setting process of cement slurry .

    触变性水泥是一种适用于破裂压力梯度较低的松散地层、漏失 及挤水泥等注水泥作业的水泥浆体系,它对防止水泥浆 凝固过程的气窜问题同样具有一定效果。

  • Domestic inhabitancy zone designing should work hard in the aspects of carrying out ecologic environment consciousness establishing long time economic concept and setting up compulsive policy . Only do so could inhabitancy zone construction exist with nature ultimately .

    国内的城市居住 生态设计应从贯彻生态环境意识、确立长效经济观念和 建立政策强制导向几个方面加以努力,也只有如此,住宅区的建设才能最终实现于自然的共生。

  • It is suggested in this paper that the andesite is a member of the ophiolite suits which were most probably formed in an island-arc environment of supra-subduction zone ( SSZ ) and the ophiolite belongs to the type of arc tectonic setting .

    据此推测该安山岩类属蛇绿岩成员,其可能产于俯冲 之上(SSZ)的岛弧环境。而该蛇绿岩则属于某种弧间构造 背景的蛇绿岩。

  • The water-rock system pH values are somewhat different in different subzones of the interlayer oxidation zone i.e. the oxidation and reduction zones are in an environment of weakly alkali media whereas the reduction-oxidation transitional zone is in the setting of neutral media .

    层间氧化带内不同亚带的水岩体系pH值也有所不同,氧化带和还原带处于弱碱性介质环境,而氧化还原过渡 则处于中性介质 环境

  • The thrusting activity of the Tan Lu fault zone and the inversion structures of the Hefei basin took place in the regional dynamic setting that back arc spreading caused by westward subduction of the Pacific plate led to the almost EW compression of eastern China continent .

    在太平洋板块向西俯冲产生的弧后扩张使中国东部大陆受到挤压的区域动力学 背景下,郯 断裂的逆冲活动和合肥盆地反转构造在近EW向挤压应力下形成。

  • The cracking loading maximum bearing capacity failure pattern and hysteresis property of the joint zone are investigated and the influences of different splitting types and the setting of transition region of the split columns on the seismic behavior of the joint zone are analyzed .

    研究了节点上下层柱的分体形式和分体柱过渡区的 设置对节点核芯 抗震性能的影响;

  • More broadly the war marked a successful reassertion of a Russian zone of influence – setting back the prospects of Nato or European Union membership for Georgia and Ukraine .

    在更广泛的意义上,这场冲突标志着俄罗斯成功地重申了其势力 范围& 影响了格鲁吉亚和乌克兰加入北约或欧盟的前景。

  • Bonded Logistics Zone ( BLZ ) is that the customhouse who refers to the job approved by State Council setting up developing specially modern international logistics within the bonded zone plan area or the specially appointed harbour district being adjacent to a bonded zone oversees area peculiarly .

    保税物流 园区是指经国务院批准在保税区的规划面积或者毗邻保税区的特定港区内 设立的,专门发展现代国际物流业的海关特殊监管区域。

  • It is advisable that some measures such as promoting the port economic zone constructing large ports strengthening border government services and setting up the governors ' routine meeting of Sino-Vietnam frontier provinces should be taken to broaden and innovate Sino-Vietnam frontier trade .

    应通过推动口岸经济 ,建设大口岸,加强边境政府及相关部门服务, 建立中越边境省份省长会议机制等措施,拓展创新中越边境贸易。

  • The center of measuring sticks had a black zone with the circle shape . The setting voltage was in direct proportion to the welding depth of pure titanium and in inverse proportion to the welding strength with averages of 221MPa ( 250V ) to 154MPa ( 330V ) .

    电压与纯钛的焊接深度呈正比,与其强度呈反比,均值为:250v时221MPa~ 330v154MPa

  • Orton suspects that changes in global wind patterns have brought ammonia-rich material into the clear cold zone above the SEB setting the stage for formation of the high-altitude icy clouds .

    奥尔顿怀疑是木星全球风的模式改变将富含氨的物质带到了SEB之上的清澈而寒冷的 区域,为在高空形成 冰云打下了基础。

  • Stepping Out of the Forbidden Zone of Setting Up Arbitration System of Third Person

    走出 设立仲裁第三人制度的 禁区&写在《仲裁法》颁布十周年之际

  • The dextral shear movement of Tancheng-Lujing fault zone in Tertiary to Quaternary is the general tectonic setting of Shaojia subsag .

    第三纪至第四纪期间郯庐断裂 的右旋剪切运动为邵家洼陷区断裂活动的区域 背景

  • Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone has completed the developing and infrastructure setting period and now the region moves to region functional enhancement phase .

    随着天津港保税 的开发建设,目前,区域已经从大规模的基础设施 建设时期转变为区域功能开发时期。

  • According to the casing strings of different sizes converting zone technology including chemical plugging and packer setting is matched during the process of selective zone production .

    针对不同尺寸的套管完井,在侧钻井分层开采的过程中的配套了封堵和卡 等配套的改 工艺。

  • The characteristics of HUILI-DONGCHUAN Proterozoic marine volcanic rock zone and its tectonic setting

    会理- 东川元古代海相火山岩 的特征与形成 环境

  • Cutaneous marginal zone B-cell lymphoma in the setting of fluoxetine therapy : A hypothesis regarding pathogenesis based on in vitro suppression of T-cell-proliferative response

    盐酸 氟西汀治疗下发生皮肤边缘 B细胞淋巴瘤:以体外T细胞增殖抑制为依据的有关发病机制的一项假说

  • The results showed that : ( 1 ) Health protection zone and the atmospheric environment protection zone had the differences of the calculation principle the parameter setting the range the result levels etc. But the purpose of them was protection the health of residents .

    研究结果表明:(1)卫生防护距离和大气环境防护 距离在计算原理、参数 设置、取值范围、结果取级等方面存在差异,但是二者设置的目的都是为了保护居民健康。

  • Calculating the zone setting velocity of high turbid water and experiment test

    高浊度水自然沉降 液面 速的计算及实验验证

  • This paper solved such problems and estimated the amount of water-intake in non pay zone using technologies of reservoir numerical simulation and setting virtual strata and virtual wells .

    利用油藏数值模拟手段,通过 设置虚拟层及虚拟井技术,计算出了非 油层的吸水量,为合理确定单井及区块配注量提供了依据。

  • Too wide or too close a back zone setting .

    后区 距太大或太小。

  • Based on analyses of theory and numerical simulation the surrounding stress and the shape of plastic zone as well as the principles of rock ( coal ) pillar setting have been discussed by this paper .

    在理论分析与数值模拟的基础上,讨论了几何弱结构巷道的围岩应力、塑性 形态和岩(煤)柱留 的原则。

  • To view a computer 's outlook security zone setting on the computer 's outlook tools menu click options click the security tab and view the zone list .

    要查看计算机的outlook安全 区域 设置,请在计算机的outlook“工具”菜单中单击“选项”,单击“安全”选项卡,然后查看“区域”列表。

  • Once the zone is created and resources are allocated connect to the zone for setting up additional configurations such as setting up the password DNS name IP address Locale and the like .

    创建专区并为其分配资源之后,连接到该 专区设置其他配置,比如设置密码、DNS名称、IP地址、地区等。

  • The New Method of The Principal Axis of Airfield Clearance Zone Setting Out

    机场净空 主轴线测 的新方法

  • Many banks have made enquires but they are still trying to understand what the zone will involve and whether it is worth setting up a branch there the regulator said .

    很多银行询问了情况,但它们仍在试图理解这个 自贸区将涉及什么,是不是值得在这里 设立一家分行?上述监管者表示。

  • When fault occurs zone I distance relay calculates the waveform factor of fault current in real-time and adjusts its setting value according to the waveform factor no longer adopting the inverse-time characteristic .

    故障发生后,实时计算波形系数,并根据波形系数自适应地调整保护的 值,使保护更好地适应系统的故障状况,而不再采用按时限逐步开放保护 范围的做法。

  • This algorithm and ideas have preferable utility value in three zone setting computation of protections in electric power system .

    此算法和思想在电力系统三 式保护的 计算中具有较高的实用价值。