


  • Some Faunal Discoveries in the Lower Yangtze Basin and their Zoogeographical Significance

    长江下游地区若干动物区系的发现及其在 动物 地理学上的意义

  • Objective : To survey the delimitation of zoogeographical regions on the Tabanidae fauna in Yichang Hubei province China .

    目的:调查宜昌地区 科种类 及其区系成分。

  • On the dividing of the zoogeographical regions of rodents of Northern Xinjiang

    新疆北部地区动物 地理 区划 几个问题

  • Zoogeographical studies on Polychaeta from the Xisha Islands and its adjacent waters

    西沙群岛及其附近海域多毛类 动物 地理学的研究

  • GIS Analysis of Zoogeographical Distribution of Rodents in Alashan Desert of Inner Mongolia

    阿拉善荒漠啮齿类 动物 地理分布的GIS分析

  • The relationship between birds and their habitats vertical distribution migration and zoogeographical distribution of the avian fauna are discussed .

    文中讨论了鸟类在不同生境中的分布、垂直分布、居留情况和 一些的分布 资料

  • Zoogeographical analysis of the freshwater crab from Hubei province with descriptions of new subspecies ( malacostraca : decapoda )

    湖北省淡水蟹类的 动物 地理学分析及新亚种的记述(软甲纲:十足目)

  • The composition and the faunal distribution of fleas are chiefly determined by their host animals ( mammals and birds ) and the zoogeographical distribution of the latter is in turn determined by vegetation climate and landscape as well as other geographical factors such as latitude and elevation .

    蚤类的组成及区系分布主要决定于它们的宿主动物(哺乳类和鸟类),而后者的 动物 地理分布又依次取决于植被、气候、景观及其他地理因素如纬度、海拔高度等。

  • Further discussion should be focus on the distribution and zoogeographical significance of freshwater crABS in Fengxin County that located in the middle section of Jiuling Mountain .

    对奉新县在九岭山脉中段溪蟹的分布格局及其 动物 地理学意义进行了探讨。

  • Cluster Analysis on Fauna and Zoogeographical Division of Fish in Ningxia

    宁夏鱼类区系及 地理区划的聚类分析

  • A preliminary study on the stratigraphical distribution and zoogeographical provinces of the Permian tabulate corals of China

    中国二迭纪床板珊瑚化石的地层分布、分带与 动物 地理 分区的初步看法

  • Objective To study the delimitation of boundaries of zoogeographical regions on the rat-shaped zoology fauna of Hubei province .

    目的研究湖北地区鼠形动物的 地理区划。

  • Results The result showed that zoogeographical division of 112 species medical gamasid mites from 25 counties ( towns ) in Yunnan Province was the same as the cluster analysis .

    结果云南省25县(市) 现有的112种医学革螨划分为 5动物 地理 小区5动物 地理 小区的划分与聚类分析结果基本相符。

  • Based on the analyses of species distribution within Fujian especially computing and clustering faunal resemblance ( R ) the author tentatively suggests that Fujian Province would be divided into 5 zoogeographical states belonging respectively to the Central China and the South China Region of the zoogeographical system .

    通过分析省内各区域的物种分布,计算各区之间的区系相似性系数并进行聚类分析,初步将福建省分成5 州,分属于华中、华南两区。

  • A study on zoogeographical division of the freshwater fishes in Shaanxi province china

    陕西省淡水鱼类 分布 区划

  • The fish distribution information in 20 areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region are used in the cluster analysis to settle the zoogeographical relationship of those areas and to make some suggestion for the zoogeographical division . The data are treated with SPSS .

    以宁夏20个地理行政区划的鱼类分布资料为依据,采用欧式距离系数和类平均值法对区域关系进行了聚类分析,并对宁夏 鱼类 地理区划进行了研究。

  • Ichthyofauna of the Zhujiang River with a discussion on zoogeographical divisions for freshwater fishes

    珠江的鱼类区系及其 动物 地理区划的讨论

  • It has a special geography and multiplex ecological environment . The Zoogeographical division of Gansu across Oriental and Palaearctic .

    地理位置特殊,生态环境多样;在 动物 地理 区划 上地跨东洋界和古北界。

  • Studies about the phylogeny and evolution of two subfamilies birds have been based mostly on morphological acoustical and zoogeographical characters in China and continued to use the system of Cheng Tso-Hsin .

    长期以来,国内对这两个亚科鸟类系统分类和演化的研究,一直采用传统的形态学、声学、 动物地理学等方法,并多沿用郑作新分类系统(19942000)。

  • Four ecological factors which possibly affect the number of species of rodents in different zoogeographical regions were studied .

    对不同 地理区内可能影响啮齿动物种数的4种生态因子与啮齿类 种数 之间进行 多元 线性 回归分析。

  • Distribution Pattern and Zoogeographical Analysis of Mammals in Qilian Mountain Areas Qinghai China

    青海祁连山地区兽类分布格局及 动物 地理学分析

  • In the zoogeographical regions of China there are 54 distribution patterns . The proportion of multi-regions central China region and north China region species are high all .

    在我国 动物 地理 区划中,河南蜘蛛有54种分布类型,跨区分布的种类、仅分布于华中、华北区的种类比例均较高,符合河南过渡性、兼容性、多源性的区 特点。

  • Zoogeographical divisions of rodents in Guizhou Province

    贵州省啮齿动物 地理区划

  • Fish fauna in northeastern Jiangxi Province with a discussion on the zoogeographical division of East China

    赣东北地区鱼类区系特征及我国东部地区 动物 地理区划

  • Progress of studies on zoogeographical division in Shaanxi

    陕西省 动物 地理区划研究进展

  • Study on the fauna and the zoogeographical division of mammals in Ningxia

    宁夏哺乳动物区系与 地理区划研究

  • In the Zoogeographical region of China 44 species ( 54.32 % ) are the Central region ;

    在中国 动物 地理区中,华中区44种,比重达54.32%;

  • Fauna and Zoogeographical Analysis of Terrestrial mollusks in Xinjiang

    新疆陆生贝类区系及 动物 地理学分析

  • Objective Correlation of local faunas was studied with method of cluster analysis to testify the rationality of zoogeographical division of 112 species medical gamasid mites from 25 counties ( towns ) in Yunnan Province .

    目的分析云南省25县(市)现有的112种医学革螨的 动物 地理 区划

  • The Zoogeographical Division of Anhui Province

    安徽 动物 地理区划