


  • One collection-point manager a tall Sikh in a pink turban says his family is inCanadabut he would not dream of quitting his job to join them .

    一名包着粉 头巾的高大锡克族人是一家这样的收奶站的负责人,他说自己的家人在加拿大生活,但他并不愿意放弃自己的工作去和他们团聚。

  • Again I took off my turban and tied a piece of meat to my back .

    我再度脱下 头巾,把一块肉绑在我的背部。

  • Do I talk like a turban guy ?

    我说话像个 包头 穆斯林吗?

  • His outfit a gift from Shah Abbas was like an Isfahan grandee 's ceremonial uniform topped by a turban bigger than his head .

    由沙阿·阿拔斯赠送的一套衣服就像伊斯法罕贵族的一套礼仪制服, 在头上的 头巾比头大很多。

  • His head was covered with a khaki turban .

    他头上包着卡其布的穆斯林 头巾

  • The benefit of wearing a turban is that when you wrap the5 to7 layers of cloth you cover the temples which prevents any variance or movement in the different parts of the skull .


  • Then I took the largest of the pieces of meat tied it close around me with the cloth of my turban and laid myself upon the ground with my face downwards .

    于是我拿了一块极大的肉,将它紧紧的将我的 头巾 在我的身上,将我自己躺在地上,我的面部向下面。

  • A brimless usually red felt cap with a silk tassel worn by Moslem men either by itself or as the base of a turban .

    一种由穆斯林教的男子所戴的没有帽檐的、通常为红色的毡帽, 上面饰有流苏,它可以 戴也可以戴在 包头 下面

  • And he said let them put a clean turban upon his head .

    说,要将洁净的 顶冠 在他头上。

  • That guy with the turban did it .

    那些 穆斯林 头巾的家伙做的。

  • The Turkish word for gauze with which turbans can be wrapped seems to have been used for the flower because a fully opened tulip was thought to resemble a turban .

    土耳其语中可以用于包裹的穆斯林方巾,即薄纱这个词,被视为是适用于花朵的,因为一朵完全开放的郁金香被认为是与穆斯林 方巾相类似的。

  • He has never stepped out without his turban .

    他从未不 他的 头巾而走出来的。

  • In her neat black turban hat was the gold-green wing of a macaw .

    她那顶精巧的黑色无边帽上插了根艳绿色 金刚鹦鹉毛。

  • One of the cartoons depicts the Prophet Muhammad wearing ab-omb-shaped turban with a burning fuse .

    其中一幅卡通描绘先知默罕默德戴着炸-弹形状的穆-斯-林 头巾,还有一根正在燃烧的引线。

  • Singh dressed in an olive-green shirt and a white turban then threw his blue and white sneaker at Chidambaram narrowly missing his face .

    辛格,身穿橄榄绿衬衣 戴白色 头巾,他向齐丹巴兰扔了一只他的蓝白相间的运动鞋,只差一点就打中齐丹巴兰的脸。

  • Married women wear a black turban .

    结婚的女人带着黑色的 头巾

  • And the turban of fine linen the linen headbands and the undergarments of finely twisted linen .

    并用细麻布 冠冕、和华美的裹 头巾.用捻的细麻布作裤子。

  • I put on righteousness as my clothing ; justice was my robe and my turban .

    我以公义为衣服、以公平为外袍和 冠冕

  • Sporting a bright pink turban another Pardhi says six of his seven sons have been imprisoned numerous times .

    另一位裹着亮粉色 头巾的帕迪人说,他七个儿子中有六个曾多次入狱。

  • Her high-borne turban 'd head she wags and rolls her darkling eye .

    她摇动着高昂的包着 头巾的头,转动着她的灰暗的眼睛。

  • The Turban Basin in Xinjiang is the world 's lowest-lying basin the lowest point being 154 metres below sea level .

    中国新疆的 吐鲁番盆地是世界最低的盆地。盆地最低点在海平面以下154米。

  • James looks strange with a turban around his head .

    詹姆斯头上裹着 穆斯林 头巾,看上去很陌生。

  • An ornamental knot that resembles a small turban .

    一种象 头巾的装饰性的结。

  • The spike of a helmet projected from the middle of his silken turban and he wore a shirt of chain mail .

    头盔的尖端从他那丝绸 头巾中间突了 出来,他上身穿一件锁 甲。

  • My head was wrapped in a turban of bandages .

    我的头部被包裹在 头巾的绷带。

  • You can pay for a cranial adjustment or you can tie a turban for free !

    你可以花钱做一次头盖骨矫正,或免费绑一个 头巾

  • I stopped by a dried fruit stand described Hassan to an old merchant loading his mule with crates of pine seeds and raisins . He wore a powder blue turban .

    我停在一个卖干果的小摊 前面,有个年老的商人戴着蓝色的 头巾,把一 松子和葡萄干 放到驴子身上。我向他描述哈桑的 相貌