


  • Two-fluid large eddy turbulence model is applied to research the movement of the sand clouds in quiescent water .

    本文采用双流体大涡 紊流模型对静水中泥沙云团下落过程进行了研究。

  • The Velocity distribution of the atmospheric turbulence boundary layer of the Earth Was calculated .

    本文计算了近地面 湍流边界层的速度分布。

  • This course presents the phenomena theory and modeling of turbulence in the Earth 's oceans and atmosphere .

    本课程介绍地球海洋和大气层 的现象、理论和模型。

  • Experiment demonstrates that the turbulence intensity variation information within a short-range air gap can be obtained .

    实验验证了利用该 路可在很短的空气间隙内获得 湍流强度的变化信息。

  • We experienced severe turbulence during the flight .

    我们在飞行中遇到了强烈的 气流

  • Turbulence Modeling and Closure . Algebraic Models . Transport Models .


  • As financial turbulence shakes global markets an unlikely haven has emerged .

    在金融 动荡撼动全球市场之际,一个不太可能的避风港出现了。

  • As early as 1915 G. I. Taylor had made astute observations on the structure of atmospheric turbulence .

    早在1915年,G.I.Taylor就对大气 湍流的结构作了巧妙的观测。

  • The current political turbulence represents the ideal breeding ground for this sort of collapse in consumer confidence .

    目前政治 环境 动荡是消费者丧失信心的根本原因。

  • When turbulence breaks out a fluid behaves as though its viscosity has suddenly increased .


  • The influence of turbulence inhibitor on flow field in tundish has been studied by water modeling .

    通过水模试验,研究了 涡流控流槽对连铸中间包流体流动的影响。

  • P : I experienced the most terrible turbulence flying over the Pacific Ocean .

    彼得:飞过太平洋上空时,我经历了最可怕的 乱流

  • At home rapid growth will bring social and economic turbulence .

    在国内,快速的发展将带来社会和经济 动荡

  • To solve the above problem a low-Reynolds number turbulence model with a hybrid wall boundary treatment was adopted .

    通过改进 湍流模型和壁面边界,即用低雷诺数 湍流模型结合混合壁面边界的处理方法解决了以上问题。

  • The tutor 's triumph over tumor triggered turbulence and the stock market tumble .

    那个导师战胜了肿瘤,这引发了 动乱和证券市场的大跌。

  • The world situation is characterized by turbulence and intranquility .

    世界局势 动荡不安

  • a region often beset by political turbulence .

    经常遭受政治 动乱的一个地区

  • Droplet ignition and extinction in practical combustors are strongly influenced by forced convection and turbulence .

    在实际燃烧室中,液滴点火和熄火受到强迫对流和 紊流的强烈影响。

  • One concern is the effect the year of turbulence will have on investor psychology .

    人们担心的一个问题是,一年来的 动荡将对投资者心理产生何种影响。

  • The Subprime crisis has aggravated the turbulence of global financial markets .

    次贷危机的持续深化加剧了全球金融市场的 动荡

  • This paper describes the calculation method for longitudinal flight parameters and matching method of the aircraft in the turbulence .

    介绍了 大气 紊流环境下飞机纵向飞行参数的计算与匹配方法。

  • The 1960s and early 1970s were a time of change and turbulence .

    20世纪整个60年代和70年代初期是风云变幻、 动荡不安的一个时期。

  • Research on the Models of Wind Shear and Atmospheric Turbulence for Their Application in Flight Simulation

    风切变和大气 紊流模型在飞行仿真中的应用研究

  • The simulation results demonstrated flow velocity turbulence kinetic energy and wall temperature increased with increment of heat flux .

    计算结果表明:随着热通量的增加,流场的速度、 湍流 强度和壁温均升高。

  • The application of arc-heater supersonic turbulence flat ablation test technology is introduced .

    对电弧超声速 湍流平板烧蚀试验技术的应用进行了介绍,并进一步拓展了其应用范围。

  • His plane encountered severe turbulence and winds of nearly two-hundred miles an hour .

    他的飞机遭遇强 气流和时速近200英里的强风。

  • What 's mere bureaucratic tradespeople 's exploitation of the working people aggravated class contradiction and worsened social turbulence .

    同时,官僚商人对劳动人民盘剥,激化了阶级矛盾,加剧了社会的 动荡

  • Considering the physical structure of the atmospheric turbulence the phenomenon has been analyzed and explained .

    结合大气 湍流的物理结构仔细分析了这种现象,并对这种现象作出了合理的解释。

  • The world advances amidst turbulence .

    世界在 动荡中前进。