


  • Minerals are coal lead zinc tungsten and so on .

    矿产有煤炭、铅、锌、 等。

  • In 1984 Ganzhou Tungsten and Molybdenum Materials Factory was into production .

    1984年,赣州 钨钼材料厂投产,引进日本技术,生产出了 、棒、丝等产品。

  • Tungsten is classified among the metals .


  • Separation of Gold from Indium Gallium Cerium Tungsten and Vanadium by Floatation

    金与铟、镓、铈、 和钒的浮选分离

  • Chinese mining and energy companies have been investing in everything from copper in Afghanistan to tungsten in Tasmania .

    从阿富汗的铜,到澳洲塔斯马尼亚的 ,中国矿业和能源企业到处投资。

  • The thin wire is not made of copper ; it is made of tungsten .

    细导线并不是由铜制的,而是由 的。

  • We make an electron gun which consists of a tungsten wire heated by an electric current .

    我们制造了一把电子枪,它包括一根用电流加热的 钨丝

  • This paper describes the chlorination process of waste tungsten carbide powder .

    本文对废碳化 粉的氯化反应进行了实验研究。

  • The great invention in that lamp was the discovery of a way to convert metallic tungsten into wire .

    发明这种灯的伟大创造力,在于发现了把金属性质的 改变为丝的方法。

  • The test probes made of tungsten or nickel are suitable for making contact with mechanical breaking of aluminum oxide .


  • A mineral consisting of calcium tungstate ; an ore of tungsten .

    一种由钨酸钙组成的矿物,是一种 矿石。

  • Aluminum chromium or gold are put into a vacuum tank and heated by a tungsten wire .

    铝、铬或金放在真空罐内用 钨丝加热就一 下子变成了蒸气,使整个真空罐充满了金属气体。

  • Afterward additional surges flowed mostly through the thin copper layer because copper has higher conductivity than tungsten .

    然后,另外的浪涌大多数通过薄铜板流动,因为铜具有比 更高的传导性。

  • The Dongxiang copper deposit is a rare deposit combined with copper pyrite and tungsten .

    东乡铜矿是我国罕见的铜、硫铁、 综合型矿床。

  • Advanced production method of spherical cast tungsten carbide is introduced .

    介绍了球形铸造碳化 先进的生产方法。

  • It is after having failed a lot that he had the invention of tungsten filament bulb .

    在经历了很多的失败之后,他才发明了 钨丝灯泡。

  • The consume structure of chinese tungsten industry and its influence on the world are related .

    概述了中国 行业的消费结构及其对世界的影响,分析了中国 行业的市场营销策略。

  • Our main products are Silicon Carbide Alumina Ceramic Tungsten Carbide and Carbon-Graphite Seal Rings .

    我们的主要产品是 碳化硅、质合金、石墨密封环和氧化铝陶瓷制品。

  • Methods for chemical analysis of tantalum and niobium & Determination of molybdenum and tungsten contents

    GB/T15076.5-1994钽铌化学分析方法钼量和 量的测定

  • Study on Impact Wear Properties of Composite Layer with Tungsten and Chromium ;

    马氏 晶粒强度钢的冲击磨损性能进行了研究。

  • Over the tungsten was a thin plating of copper ;

    穿过 是一个铜薄板;

  • Not only is the luster of a tungsten ring brilliant it will remain so for a lifetime .

    不仅是光彩的辉煌 环,它将继续这样做了一辈子。

  • They contained cores of tungsten with only a outer coating of real gold .

    他们中只有一个真正的黄金外涂层的 核心。

  • The fabrication hot-working and applications of tungsten and tungsten alloys are summarized both domestic and overseas .

    综述了 及钨合金制备、热加工及应用等方面的发展。

  • The determination of trace arsenic in tungsten concentrates by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry is investigated .

    目的研究 氢化物发生原子吸收光谱法测定食品中硒的分析技术和最佳分析条件。

  • This product is made by the precision machining with the tungsten carbide materials ( superhard alloy ) .

    该产品选用碳化 材料(超硬合金)精密加工而成。

  • This paper reports a CMOS compatible tungsten micro-hotplate .

    本文设计了一种与标准CMOS工艺兼容的 微热板。

  • The enrichment and recovery of tantalum and niobium through acid leaching and sodium alkali fusing from tungsten residue is studied .

    研究了用酸浸与钠碱熔融法从 渣中富集和回收钽铌。

  • Since then even more valuable resources have been found there including coal oil and natural gas & not to mention tungsten and molybdenum .

    此后,还发现了更值钱的东西,有煤、石油和天然气&更不用说 和钼了。

  • A polyvalent metallic element that resembles chromium and tungsten in its properties ; used to strengthen and harden steel .

    一种性质类似铬和 的多价金属元素,用于加固钢。