true conflict


  • And what is true within a single society today will be increasingly true of international conflict and terror in this globalized world .

    在这个全球化的世界里,一个地方今天发生的问题越来越可能 同样 成为国际 冲突和恐怖活动的原因。

  • Therefore positive interaction between law duty and moral duty will come true through promoting cooperation and reducing conflict with each other which may make both of them achieve harmony and complementarity so as to reduce the cost of sustaining social stability .

    因此,可以通过促进合作,减少 冲突的方式 建立起法律义务与道德义务的良性互动,使二者实现协调与互补,从而降低社会秩序的维护成本。

  • The true cause of American insecurity is not an imminent encroachment on its territory but the risk that US alliances – especially with Japan – will draw it into a regional conflict .

    美国 真正的不安全因素不是其疆域会遭到入侵,而是同盟关系尤其是美日同盟将其拖入地区 冲突的风险。

  • Feeling and reason human beings and the moral of this true life imprisonment in the permanent conflict specifically is this true love and the traditional feudal ethics conflicts .

    情与理主要表现为人的 本真生命与道德禁锢的恒久 冲突,具体地说就是本真爱情和传统封建礼教的冲突。

  • Your true challenge will be to learn to make your voice clearly heard above the noise of daily life and the dissonance of conflict .

    你的 真正挑战会是,在每天生活中的喧扰及 冲突的不和谐中,学习让自己的意见被清楚听到。

  • In the ICT industry protection of technological innovation is to protect competition . Technological innovation can make other antitrust policy objectives come true . It can also effectively stabilize the conflict between intellectual property law and antitrust law . 4 .

    在ICT产业,保护技术创新就是在保护竞争,通过技术创新带动其他反垄断政策目标的 实现,并有效地平抑知识产权法和反垄断法之间的 冲突

  • The true origin of the conflict lies in the economic culture innate to those former Silicon Valley start-ups now giants that are taking the European markets by storm .

    这个 冲突 真正根源,在于这些正在欧洲市场上掀起风暴的硅谷企业之前是初创公司,现在是巨头与生俱来的经济文化。

  • It is true the new US administration may show more interest in resolving the conflict early on .

    没错,美国新政府开始时或许对于解决双方 冲突更有兴趣。

  • True economic theories will never come into conflict with the highest moral and ethical standards .

    真正的经济学理论,决不会同最高的伦理道德准则产生 冲突

  • A system with a large number of rules and facts may result in many rules being true for the same fact assertion ; these rules are said to be in conflict .

    如果系统有大量规则和事实,可能导致许多规则对于同一事实断言都是 的;这些规则是 冲突的。

  • When conflict occurs we should find the true cause to the conflict and major responsible persons to solve the conflict targetedly ;

    矛盾冲突发生后,要弄清矛盾 冲突产生的 真实原因和主要的当事人,以便有的放矢的化解矛盾冲突;

  • This is as true of national conflict as it is of individual discrepancy .

    国家 之间 冲突是这样,个人之间的差异也是 如此

  • In the paper the author thinks that True Economic Circle Theory will conflict with actual Economic Law Theory foundation in China .

    作为新经济自由主义最新发展阶段代表的 真实经济周期理论,再结合我国国情的语境之下,对我国经济法基础理论的发展产生一定 冲击

  • Unfortunately this episode has been so often chosen as a subject for romantic literary rhapsodies that we are apt to forget the true if more prosaic nature of the conflict .

    不幸的是这段时期却经常被当作浪漫主义文学的狂想曲,以至于我们很容易忘却它只不过是 矛盾无聊的自然现象的 真实

  • It took me almost two years but it became the springboard and true inspiration for my career as a conflict mediator .

    这几乎花了我两年时间,但这件事变成了我从事 矛盾调解员这个职业的发展起点和 真正的鼓舞。

  • True deaths in conflict rebounded after 2005 .

    诚然,2005年后 冲突中死亡人数有所反弹。