true representation


  • Therefore the technologies that provide true 3D virtual representation of fabrics and garments have attained more and more attentions in areas of textile and garment design.3D garment drape simulations are now possible due to the fast development of computer technology .

    因此,服装面料的 悬垂性模拟技术,目前已成为国内外纺织服装设计中所关注和重视的重要研究课题。计算机技术的快速发展已使 三维服装悬垂形态的仿真成为可能。

  • Analysis and sort out true representation in the documentary theory and creative practice in some confusion to achieve a new awareness about the fundamental issues of the documentary film .

    文章的主体部分探析并梳理了 真实 再现在纪录片理论研究和创作实践中的一些契合点,达到对纪录片创作基本问题的新的认知。

  • The provincial association development achievements since the founding of the whole Chinese rural credit cooperatives on the road of reform and development continue to explore a true portrayal of bold and innovative has some representation .

    省联社成立以来的发展成就,是整个中国农信社系统在改革发展道路上不断探索、大胆创新的 真实写照,具有一定的 代表

  • His earlier Dialogues are generally accepted as giving a true representation of Socrates ' personality and teaching .

    他早期的对话录通常被认为是 真实 描述了苏格拉底的个性和教学。

  • Furthermore the geometrical shape which is defined by each of the pixels makes it an impossible true representation of perspective .

    另外, 如此低的象素使得图像无法 表现角度。

  • ' China today is greatly changing ' Mr. Diao noted prior to Berlin . ' I wanted to make a detective film depicting life in contemporary China ' and to ' create a true representation of our new reality . '

    在该片摘夺柏林电影奖之前,刁亦男说:如今中国的变化很大,我当时就想拍一部描绘当代中国生活的侦探悬疑片,创作一部 真正 代表新现实的影片。

  • The characters of education technology equipment is the true reappearance representation repetition application and economy .

    教育技术装备的特征是: 真实再现性、 具象 、可重复使用性和经济性。

  • He admits that he doesn 't really have an advanced theory that secures one kind of representation as true or authentic and secures another kind of representation as bias and inauthentic .

    他承认自己没有一个更高级的理论,能保证某种表现一定是是 真实的,另一种 表现一定,是不真实的。

  • His painting is a true representation of their memories and emotions of the soul and the expression of the painter personal temperament thinking and living .

    他的绘画是其记忆和心灵情感的 真实 表述,是画家个人气质、思想、生活的表达。

  • 《 Discovering Changchun 》 for example the true representation approach to the study of historical documentary .

    以《发现长春》为例,研究历史类纪录片中 再现手法。

  • As such the curves will be a true representation of what you will see in the game .

    所以这里面的曲线 就象你将在游戏中看到的那样 真实

  • Both functions have a final optional argument that if True specifies that pickles will be created using a faster and smaller binary representation .

    两者都有一个final参数(可选),如果为 True,则该参数指定用更快以及更小的二进制 表示来创建pickle。

  • This is not a true representation of the changes of overall interests in Sino-US economic and trade relationship .

    这并未 真实 反映中美经贸关系的总体利益变化。

  • As a more ' true ' phase of development the sustainable development is not only the more true representation of the development connotation but also is the more true grasp of the development inspirit .

    可持续发展作为一种更真阶段的发展,既是发展内涵的更 表现,也是发展精神的更真把握。

  • The same isn 't true with JSON : it handles pretty much every conceivable object type and simply gives you back a nice JSON data representation .

    但对于JSON, 情况就大不相同:它能处理几乎所有可能的对象类型,并会返回给您一个非常好的JSON数据 表示

  • With a series of images need to decipher symbols Zhizhuo plain but a true representation of people 's sentiment and the pursuit ;

    用一系列需要破译的意象符号,稚拙朴实而 实地 表现人的感悟和追求;

  • So in this sense fiction isn 't a lie at all but a true representation of the distortion that everyone makes of life .

    从这个意义来说,小说绝非是谎言,而是 真实 代表了每个人铨释生命所遭受的扭曲。