[计] 执行节点

  • The code I cover this month is no more than a skeleton for XM .

    我在本月介绍的代码不过是 XM的骨架。

  • In the meantime you can download and test the XM runner plug-in .

    同时,您可以下载并测试 XM运行器插件。

  • The goal in this series is to prepare such a plug-in for XM .

    本系列文章的目的是为 XM准备这样一个插件。

  • This isn 't an entirely new car but a new derivative of the Citroen XM .

    这不是一款全新的车,而是雪铁龙 XM 系列的派生 车型

  • Very early in the development of XM I chose to banish configuration files .

    XM开发的较早 时期,我选择了消除配置文件。

  • I have temporarily paused XM development in order to collect user feedback .

    我暂停了 XM开发是为了收集用户的反馈意见。

  • Run Eclipse and try to modify resources in an XM project .

    运行Eclipse并尝试修改 XM项目中的资源。

  • Messenger is an interface that XM uses to report progress and errors to the user .

    Messenger是一个接口, XM用它来向用户报告进度和错误。

  • The second improvement to XM this month is the ability to handle non-XML files .

    这个月对 XM的第二次改进是处理非XML文件的能力。

  • Also last month I built two new Web sites with XM .

    在上月,我还用 XM构建了两个新网站。

  • The plug-in reports problems with your XML documents or your stylesheets in the XM console .

    该插件在 XM控制台中报告有关XML文档或样式表的问题。

  • If you forget exceptions the two most useful classes in XM so far are Messenger and DirectoryWalker .

    如果您忘了异常,那么我告诉您,到目前为止 XM中两个最有用的类是Messenger和DirectoryWalker。

  • In this article I will show you how to create a user interface for XM .

    在本文中,我将向您演示如何为 XM创建用户界面。

  • I also added a new XM Console window to display status messages .

    我还添加了新的 XMConsole窗口来显示状态消息。

  • I conclude with a few tips on the XM plug-in .

    我将以有关 XM插件的几个技巧来结束本文。

  • That boring work is best left to computers and XM 's directory reading .

    那项令人厌烦的工作最好留给计算机和 XM的目录读取来做。

  • This month 's improvement to XM is the ability to compile file lists automatically .

    这个月对 XM的改进是 添加了自动编译文件列表的能力。

  • Since XM uses more style sheets the caching logic has been improved .

    由于 XM 使用多个样式表,所以对高速缓存的逻辑进行了改进。

  • This feature is completely integrated with XM link management so all your links remain valid .

    这一特性和 XM链接管理完全集成在了一起,因此您的所有链接都保持有效。

  • My goal with XM was to develop a low-cost solution for Web publishing using XML and XSLT .

    对于 XM,我的目标是开发一种用于Web发布(使用XML和XSLT)的低成本解决方案。

  • To support both modes I have abstracted resources and files from the XM core engine .

    为了同时支持两种方式,我抽象了 XM核心引擎中的资源和文件。

  • XM is a low-cost solution for publishing static Web sites with XML and XSLT .


  • Now you can edit XML documents with syntax highlighting and publish them through XM .

    现在您编辑XML文档时语法会突出显现,并且可以通过 XM发布它们。

  • You can download and exercise the XM code already .

    您已经可以下载和练习 XM代码了。

  • XM is an affordable solution for publishing Web sites with XML and XSLT .

    对于用XML和XSLT来发布网站, XM是一个能承担此任务的解决方案。

  • In upcoming articles I will write more useful plug-ins for XM .

    在即将面世的文章中,我将为 XM编写更有用的插件。

  • Follow the instructions on the Eclipse and XM Web sites to install the software .

    按照Eclipse和 XM网站上的指导安装软件。

  • For XM I chose to abstract the user interface and the resource manager .

    对于 XM,我选择了抽象用户界面和资源管理。

  • It 's been a long time since I last discussed XM in this column .

    距离我上次在本专栏讨论 XM已有很长时间了。

  • Therefore you can use XM to preprocess XML documents for example for bulk XML conversion .

    所以,可以使用 XM来对XML文档进行预处理,例如,进行大量XML转换。