Voluntary-Company refers to an action which in order to investigate some truth related to illegal behavior or criminal in certain conditions the policemen request the corresponding - party voluntary consent to follow them to designated place .
自愿同行是指在一定条件下,警察为查证与违法或犯罪有关的 事实而 要求相对人自愿随同到指定场所的行为。
First this part defines the extent of damage then the dual attributes of the work injury were analyzed . The foothold for the article is the truth that work damages can be relieved by request reimbursement of the work injury insurance benefits or by tort damages .
本部分首先对工伤损害的范围进行了界定,再对工伤损害的双重属性进行了剖析, 工伤损害即可 请求侵权损害赔偿也可以 请求工伤保险待遇给付的特性,为文章的展开找到立足点。
He also attacks England to the books publication examination system opposed this kind of procedure which strangles the truth and request for the freedom of opinion and the press creates the condition for the capitalism thought culture dissemination .
他还抨击英国对书籍出版的审查制度,反对这种扼杀 真理的做法, 要求言论、出版自由,为资本主义思想文化的传播创造条件。
美[truθ rɪˈkwɛst]英[tru:θ riˈkwest]
[计] 真值请求