trimesic acid


  • Synthesis and Fluorescence Character of Eu ( La ) Complexes with Trimesic Acid

    甲酸 铕镧配合物的合成及荧光性质

  • The product was confirmed as trimesic by using acid value titration IR spectrum and liquid chromatogram .

    利用 酸值滴定、红外光谱和液相色谱等表征方法,确定产物为 甲酸

  • In this paper star-shaped nylon 6 and star-shaped nylon 12 were prepared respectively in the presence of trimesic acid by hydrolytic polymerization of caprolactam and laurolactam .

    本课题在 甲酸的存在下分别进行己内酰胺和十二内酰胺的水解聚合,合成了 星型尼龙6和星型尼龙12。

  • Analysis of Final Products in Composition of Trimesic Acid by Catalytic Oxidation Method

    空气氧化法合成 甲酸 过程中的产物分析

  • Synthesis Characterization and Fluorescence Properties of the Solid Complexes of Rare Earth with Trimesic Acid and 1
