


  • Chiral separation of trihexyphenidyl enantiomers by capillary electrophoresis with maltose as selectors

    麦芽糖为选择剂的 海索对映体毛细管电泳手性分离

  • Protective effects of trihexyphenidyl on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in vitro


  • Protective effects of trihexyphenidyl on ischemia injury in cerebral cortical neuronal cultures

    海索 培养大鼠神经 细胞缺氧 / 性损伤的保护作用

  • Effects of trihexyphenidyl on the expression of c-fos c-sis gene and contents of Ca ~ ( 2 + ) w_611 I in experimental focal cerebral ischemia reperfusion in rats


  • Effects of trihexyphenidyl on the contents of monoamines in rat brains


  • AIM : To observe the effects of trihexyphenidyl ( THP ) on the content of monoamine neurotransmitters in the cerebral cortex and striatum tissues in rats with acute cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury and take nimodipine as positive control .

    目的:观察 中枢 胆碱 海索 急性脑缺血再灌注大鼠大脑皮质、纹状体单胺类递质含量的影响,并与尼莫地平进行阳性对照。

  • The clinical efficacy were assessed by modified Simpson 's extrapyramidal side effect rating scale . Trihexyphenidyl was taken as the control .

    采用修改的Simpson锥体外系副作用量表评定疗效, 海索为对照

  • Effects of Trihexyphenidyl on Action Potentials-contractility in Guinea

    海索 豚鼠乳头状肌动作电位、收缩力及兔窦房结 细胞动作 电位的影响

  • Reductive effect of trihexyphenidyl on brain calcium accumulation and Na K and water shifts in rabbits with local cerebral ischemia

    海索 降低兔局部脑缺血脑钙积累和钠、钾、水转移的作用

  • Expression of Synaptophysin and α - Synuclein in the Brains of Parkinson Disease Rats with Trihexyphenidyl

    帕金森病大鼠脑内 突触素和α-突触核蛋白的影响