trigger battery

[ˈtrɪɡɚ ˈbætəri][ˈtriɡə ˈbætəri]


  • Basic Structure Mechanism and Maintenance Key Points of Trigger Ignition System of Suzuki Battery Series ( 3 )

    铃木系列 蓄电池电感式有 触点全晶体管点火系基本结构原理及维修要领(3)

  • The Zero Trigger Measure has been introduced in the SSST of Battery which made high-precision online monitor come true . This RTU provide the parameters such as voltage temperature charge-discharge current status of battery .

    采用过零 触发测量技术实现了 蓄电池的高精度在线监测,可提供单体电压、温度、充放电电流及电池健康状态等参数;

  • If you are shooting in Manual Mode set to a minimum power that is still strong enough to trigger your slave strobe ( s ) to save battery life .

    如果你在用手动模式,请设置闪光灯输出为最小,这仍然 足以 你的外置闪光灯引闪,而且 省电