


  • Any liliaceous plant of the genus Trillium having a whorl of three leaves at the top of the stem with a single three-petalled flower .

    延龄 草属的多种百合科植物之一,三片叶在茎顶端轮生,花单生、有三片花瓣。

  • Investigation on embryology of Trillium tschonoskii maxim . ⅰ . & megasporogenesis and the formation of the female gametophyte

    延龄草 TrilliumtschonoskiiMaxim.)的胚胎学研究初报Ⅰ.&大孢子的发生及雌配子体的形成

  • Quality Standard and Chemical Composition for Trillium Tschonoskii Maxim


  • These services created by encapsulating Trillium can now be reused in other Customer Information business processes and not just within the customer update process .

    这些通过封装 Trillium创建的服务现在可以在其他客户信息业务流程中重用,而不仅限于客户更新流程中。

  • Trillium of northeastern United States with sessile leaves and red or purple flowers having a pungent odor .

    美国东北部的 延龄草,具有无柄的叶和红色或紫色的花,有刺激性气味。

  • Any of various plants of the genus trillium of North america the Himalaya mountains and Eastern asia usually having a single cluster of three leaves and a variously colored three-petaled flower .

    延龄草 延龄 草属的植物,产于北美洲、喜马拉雅山脉和东亚,通常有三片轮生的叶和各种颜色的三瓣花。

  • Objective To observe the effect of trillium tschonoskii maxim ( TTM ) on anti-oxidase and lipase peroxide ( LPO ) expression in gyrus hippocampi and cerebral cortex of Alzheimer disease ( AD ) rats model .

    目的观察头顶 颗珠( TTM)对阿尔茨海默病(AD)模型大鼠海马、皮质抗氧化酶和过氧化脂质表达的影响。

  • The investigation of Trillium repens turf insects and their community in west Henan province

    豫西地区 白三叶草坪昆虫种类调查及群落分析

  • ITS sequence analysis : We sequenced the ITS region of 15 species or variants in Genus Paris and a species Trillium tschonoskii .

    ITS区序列分析:本研究测定了巧种及变种和一种 延龄草的ITS区序列。