


  • It handles everything from basic algebra equations to advanced trigonometric and statistical calculations .

    它处理一切从基本的代数方程组,以先进的 三角及统计计算。

  • A Class of Trigonometric Spline Curve with Shape Parameter and Given Tangent Polygon

    与给定多边形相切的一类含参数 三角样条曲线

  • Exact solution of Burgers equation by trigonometric series and Maple


  • The trigonometric functions are defined for right triangles .


  • The expression for g can be rewritten in terms of trigonometric sines and cosines .

    关于g的表达式可以重写成 三角 函数的正弦和余弦形式。

  • This paper expounds the role of transformation in exponential logarithmic and trigonometric functions based on some examples .

    用几个典型例题,论述了用变形方法在指数、对数、 等函数求解 导数方面的作用。

  • Research and Application of Leveling-like Trigonometric Leveling using Total Station

    全站仪水准式 三角高程测量的研究与应用

  • Approximation of Trigonometric B é zier Curve Based on the Ship Lofting

    基于船体放样的 三角Bézier曲线的逼近

  • Research on the Trigonometric Function Combination of a Unified System and R ǒ ssler System

    一个Unified系统与Rǒssler系统的 三角函数组合研究

  • Using the modulus of smoothness and K-functional direct and inverse theorems of simultaneous approximation for a kind of multivariate trigonometric polynomial operators are established .

    利用光滑模和K-泛函给出了一类多元 三角多项式算子同时逼近的正逆定理。

  • The sum of a series of trigonometric expressions ; used in the analysis of periodic functions .


  • Common mathematical functions such as trigonometric functions are standard and you can add custom functions .

    诸如 三角函数这样的普通数学函数符合标准,并且你可以添加自定义的函数。

  • The mathematics of triangles and trigonometric functions .

    三角形与 三角函数的数学。

  • This paper studies the application of identical transformation trigonometric function in indefinite integral and hopes that it may bring some help to students in this aspect .

    文章主要阐述了 三角函数恒等变形在不定积分中的应用,有助于学生掌握求不定积分的方法。

  • Precision Analysis of Total Station Trigonometric Leveling Replace Leveling

    全站仪 三角高程测量替代水准测量的精度分析

  • Several important conclusions are drawn : the stochastic dummy variables form and trigonometric form get the similar results ;

    结论认为,随机虚拟变量形式和 三角 函数形式得到的调整结果非常相似;

  • It will be assumed that the reader is familiar with logarithms and trigonometric functions .

    我们还希望读者能熟悉对数和 三角函数。

  • Exponential and trigonometric Functions : read Chapter 2 and do exercises .

    指数和 三角函数:阅读第二章以及做练习题。

  • Unfortunately the solution still included a complicated set of sums of algebraic series involving tricky powers of trigonometric functions .

    不幸的是,这一方法仍然包含了一系列复杂的代数计算,还涉及了复杂得 三角函数。

  • Returns the trigonometric cosine of the given angle ( in radians ) in the given expression

    返回给定表达式中以弧度表示的给定角度的 三角余弦

  • We might prefer to stick to trigonometric functions .

    我们可能宁愿拘泥于使用 三角函数。

  • This chaotic neural network is used to the10-city traveling salesman problem ( TSP ) and the influence of trigonometric function self-feedback on TSP is analyzed .

    将该网络模型应用于求解10城市旅行商问题(TSP),分析了 三角函数自反馈对网络求解旅行商问题的影响。

  • The Trigonometric Hermite-tpye Interpolation Wavelet Method for the Calculation of Definite Integrals

    拉格朗日插值多项式求定积分的 三角Hermite插值小波方法

  • The inverse hyperbolic trigonometric functions acosh asinh and atanh are not yet included .

    还没有包含反双曲 三角函数&反双曲余弦、反双曲正弦和反双曲正切。

  • Total Station Trigonometric Leveling in the Application of geological Survey

    全站仪 三角高程测量在地质勘查中的应用

  • That would be a nice viewport for trigonometric graphics like sins or cosines .

    这对于 三角图形(例如sin和cosine)来说是很好的一个viewport。

  • Applying the measuring principle of the trigonometric leveling with total station into the construction of urban pipeline engineering can replace the traditional geometric leveling method .

    把全站仪 三角高程的测量原理运用到城市管道工程的建设中,可以代替传统的用几何水准测量高程的方法。

  • It is configurable and contains most of the normal functions such as trigonometric and logarithmic functions conversions constants memories and binary and hexadecimal notation .

    这是可配置的,并包含大多数的正常功能,如 三角 函数和对数函数,转换常数,记忆和二进制和十六进制记数。

  • The Application of Trigonometric Leveling and GPS in River-crossing Leveling
