abbr.Tank Training Center 坦克训练中心

  • TTC data based on units capacity load level and network transfer capacity consideration is essential in schedule and design of power systems .

    在调度运行和规划设计中,需要根据机组容量、负荷水平和网络载荷 能力计算 互联电网的极限传输容量。

  • The TTC method which uses Streptococcus Thermophilus as test bacteria is a standard method to detect antibiotics residues in milk in China .

    利用嗜热链球菌为菌种检验牛奶中抗菌素残留的 氯化 苯基 四氮唑 TTC ,是我国的国家标准方法。

  • A Novel Distributed Parallel Computing Method for TTC Evaluation with Transient Stability Constraints

    一种暂态稳定约束 TTC评估的分布式并行计算方法

  • The model was evaluated by neurology score and tetrazolium chloride ( TTC ) stain .

    通过神经功能评分和氯化三苯基四氮唑(tetrazoliumchloride, TTC)染色对模型进行评价。

  • Expression Purification of Recombinant CT-1 / TTC Protein Target Delivery to CNS and Neurotrophy Biology Ability


  • Development and Application of TTC System Integrated Baseband Equipment

    测控 通信系统综合基带设备的发展和应用

  • It revealed that the conceptual information was also a very important influencing factor for TTC estimation besides the visual information and physical information .

    这表明,除了视觉信息和物理信息之外, 运动 物体的概念信息也是影响 横向 运动 TTC估计的重要因素。

  • Results : TTC in the ischemia group was larger than that in Astragalus Membranaceus group and the ischemiareperfusion group .

    结果:再 灌注组和黄芪治疗组的梗死面积小于单纯缺血组;

  • The Study And Realization Of A Highly Efficient Anti-Jamming UAV TTC Channel

    高效、抗干扰无人机 测控链路的研究与实现

  • Conventional study on TTC ( total transfer capacity ) with transient stability constraints is performed by deterministic analysis methods .

    传统的考虑暂态稳定约束的极限传输容量( TTC)研究采用确定性分析方法。

  • HE staining and TTC staining was also investigated .

    并进行 TTC染色和HE染色。

  • Researches on Analysis and Prediction Technology of EMC for TTC Station


  • The Research and Application of TTC Software Testing System on Maritime Survey Ships

    海上测量船 测控软件测试系统研究与应用

  • In vitro culture was the best method for determining pollen viability .

    花粉生活力的测定中,离体 萌发法是最佳选择,I-KI染色法、 醋酸洋红染色法和 TTC染色法不 适宜用作 台湾青枣花粉生活力的测定。

  • Here at TTC we are very serious about contextualizing the gospel – that is expressing it in ways that are appropriate for Asian cultures .


  • Study of Real-time Modulation Recognition of PM BPSK and QPSK Signals in TTC of Satellite Links

    卫星 测控链路中PM,BPSK,QPSK调制实时识别算法研究

  • The calculation of Total Transfer Capability ( TTC ) is the groundwork of ATC research .

    最大输电能力( TTC)的计算是整个ATC分析的基础和关键,也是当前研究的热点。

  • The result showed that different vehicles and speeds both had significant effects on TTC estimation .

    结果发现,被 对不同类别和速度 运动 物体 TTC估计有显著差异。

  • Being a part of TTC community for three years I enjoyed most its diversity .

    三年在 三一 生活,我最热爱的是其多样性。

  • This meeting is conducted by TTC WTC AUTC YunTechTC in Area B1.Thanks Club Presidens EVPs and some officers'support to this activity .

    这次例会是由B1区台中、飞轮、极限和 云林科大等四个分会共同举办,感谢各分会会长、教育副会长、及其他干部的热心支持。

  • But a TTC is certainly the only way to understand what we are doing on a yoga mat to understand that yogasanas are only the visible part of a vast spiritual path .


  • On the Quantitative Analysis of Focal Ischemic Cerebral Infarction by TTC Staining

    氯化 四氮唑染色后梗死灶定量分析方法

  • The higher hard seeds harvested can be tested its vigor using seed conductivity and TTC method .

    新收获的高硬实种子可用种子浸出液电导率和 TTC法测定活力。

  • The Telemetry Tracking & Command ( TTC ) communication is in S-band frequency .

    跟踪, 遥测与指挥的通信是使用S波段的频率。

  • We have a Technical Trial Center ( TTC ) where Pilot Plants for BCF as well as T & I are installed .

    我们拥有一个包括地毯丝和工业 实验工厂的技术实验中心。

  • I also enjoyed my studies at TTC .

    同时我也享受在 三一 课程学习。

  • Area power transaction ( TTC ) among interconnected power systems reduces the reserve capacity and enhances secure and economic operation .


  • The changes of echocardiography myocardium colour TTC and HE staining proved the success of model .

    心肌颜色、 心电图 特异性改变及 心肌 TTC和HE染色证明 模成功。

  • The occlusion paradigm was applied to investigate the time-to-collision ( TTC ) estimation of full-time bus drivers under the conditions of vehicle types speed and directions of the moving objects .

    本研究采用遮挡范式,考察了专职公交车驾驶员对不同类型、速度和方向运动物体的碰撞时间( TTC)估计。