trypan red


  • Study on the spectrophotometric determination of aminoglycoside antibiotics with trypan red


  • Isolation purification culture and identification of rat Sertoli cells in vitro : Take 18 to 21 day-old male SD rat testis culture primary Sertoli cells in vitro identify cell viability by trypan blue and identify cells purity by oil red O.2 .

    方法1.体外分离、纯化、培养和鉴定大鼠睾丸支持细胞:取18~21日龄雄性SD大鼠的睾丸组织,体外原代培养睾丸支持细胞, 蓝鉴定细胞活力,油 O鉴定细胞纯度。

  • In acid solution amikacin sulfate ( AMK ) react with tiger red ( TIR ) or trypan red ( TRR ) to form an ion-association complex .

    在酸性条件下,硫酸阿米卡星(AMK)与虎红(TIR)、 (TRR)均可反应生成离子缔合物。

  • Conclusion It is the same effect to detect the activity of the cells between trypan blue and neutral red .

    结论 蓝和中性 染色,都能较好地检测细胞的活性。

  • Spectrophotometric determination of amikacin sulfate with tiger red and trypan red

    虎红、 -阿米卡星的光度法研究

  • Methods Mix-cultured conical neurons of SD rats were subjected to mechanical scratch injury and the degree of injury were assessed by cell count with trypan blue staining and by lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH ) test . The intact cells were confirmed with neutral red counter staining .

    方法采用机械划痕创伤性损伤培养大鼠皮层神经元,根据培养细胞 篮活力计数和培养上清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)检测评估损伤程度,用中性 复染确定未损伤细胞。

  • Staining the separated cells by trypan blue and neutral red .

    蓝和中性 染色检测分离细胞的活性。